Long overdue
Friday, October 30th, 2009Hi there. I’ve had something I needed to say to ya’ll for a while, so please bear with me for a bit.
I am officially resigning from 7-Imp, and henceforth this here blog is solely the property and responsibility of one Ms. Jules Kick-Ass Take-Names Danielson.
Really, I’m just stating the obvious here. For months, nay, years now I’ve barely contributed any content beyond the occasional Poetry Friday post and the weekly 7 Kicks. I’ve been doing a lot of soul-searching and priority-rethinking lately, and the fact is this: I’m in a very different place than I was three years ago when we started this endeavor. My current job doesn’t really lend itself to keeping up with the latest in children’s lit. And… I’m okay with that. I didn’t expect to land on the career path I’m taking now, but I LIKE it. And I don’t expect it to change any time soon.
My only regret is how much I’ll miss all of you guys. Jules, I know, will be my best friend forever and ever. And while I’ll miss having this shared adventure with her, I think we’ll still have plenty to talk about. But I will sorely miss this community of readers and bloggers and writers and such who I’ve come to think of as another family. So, I’ll try to keep in touch, reading your blogs and checking in with you on all our other online hangouts.
Thanks, everyone, for everything. Further up and further in!