Hi, dear kickers! I’m getting on a plane this morning to head to Connecticut. Last year, I was fortunate enough to receive the James Marshall Fellowship from the University of Connecticut. That means I have the opportunity to look through the papers of author-illustrator James Marshall. (Big fan here of his work. I’m excited!) I was going to do that back in October, but it was the week my father passed away. So, I had to re-schedule. And now it’s here — the week I’m finally going!
I’m really looking forward to looking through the Marshall Papers all this week, which means I’ll see lots of sketches and art. I’ll also have the opportunity to meet people up there in Connecticut who knew and love Marshall (who passed away in 1992).
That takes care of all seven of my kicks this week.
I’ll be able to read your kicks later today, BUT I won’t fly back till next Sunday, so this means that a) 7-Imp will be quiet this week and b) this post will still be here Sunday, April 10th, and I’m sorry I won’t have new art for you then. If you want to leave your kicks for next Sunday, too, at this same post, that’d make me happy. But no pressure.
And then after all that, I’ll be back on schedule.
See you on the other side of next week!