What I’m Doing at Kirkus This Week,
Plus What I Did Last Week, Featuring
Amy June Bates, Simona Ciraolo, and Owen Swan

‘You see, it is in these lines that I keep all my memories!'”
— From Simona Ciraolo’s The Lines on Nana’s Face
(Click to enlarge spread)

Tell us more, Uncle Arthur….”
— From Helen Frost’s Applesauce Weather,
illustrated by Amy June Bates
(Click to see spread in its entirety)
Over at Kirkus this morning, I’ve got evolution on the mind. That is here.
Last week, I wrote here about Simona Ciraolo’s The Lines on Nana’s Face (Flying Eye, October 2016); Phil Cummings’ Newspaper Hats (Charlesbridge, October 2016), illustrated by Owen Swan; and Helen Frost’s Applesauce Weather (Candlewick, August 2016), illustrated by Amy June Bates. I’m following up today with a bit of art from each book.