
(Click spread to enlarge)
You can read my review over at BookPage of Mượn Thị Văn’s unforgettable refugee tale, Wishes (Orchard, April 2021), illustrated by Victo Ngai. That review is here.
Here today at 7-Imp are some spreads. …
Here today at 7-Imp are some spreads. …
I’m looking at an F&G of Tracey’s Girls and Boys Come Out to Play (Margaret Ferguson Books/Holiday House, April 2021), which is to say that not everything here is quite glued down. But it looks like the endpapers (both opening and closing) feature a short series of Mother Goose rhymes — “Hey, Diddle, Diddle”; “Humpty Dumpty”; “Jack and Jill”; and more. On the title page spread we see a young child reading a book of nursery rhymes, cat snuggling nearby and younger sibling on the floor, dozing next to the dog. And the next spread depicts nursery rhyme characters sitting on a brick wall. Will we see them throughout the book? On the opening spread (pictured above), there is the grand dame herself. Mother Goose stands on a rooftop. “Girls and boys come out to play,” we read.
Today here at 7-Imp, I’ve some spreads from the book, illustrated by Anna Cunha.
The review is here, and here today at 7-Imp are some spreads.
That review is here if you’d like to read all about the book. Corey also visits today to talk about the book’s genesis and how he created the illustrations for it. I loved reading all about the making of this one, and I’m pleased to share it with 7-Imp readers. Big thanks to Corey for sharing.
Let’s get to it …
I’ve a review over at BookPage of Bird House (Abrams, April 2021) by author-illustrator Blanca Gómez. It is a beauty, and you can read why over there. The review is here.
Below are some spreads. A Spanish edition of the book is also being released. See here!
It’s my review of Jon Klassen’s newest (and very funny) book, The Rock from the Sky (Candlewick, April 2021), over at the Horn Book.
That review is here, and below are some spreads.
Let’s take a look. …