What Lightsabers, Cloning, and Chicken Puppets
Have to Do with Today’s WBBT Schedule

Here is today’s WBBT (Winter Blog Blast Tour) schedule:
* * Patrick Carman at Miss Erin.
* * Ann Marie Fleming at Chasing Ray.
Jacqueline Kelly at HipWriterMama. (How much do I want to read The Evolution of Calpurnia Tate? A lot. Still waiting on my library copy.)
Video interview (pictured here), which possesses an awesomeness that extends in about seven different directions (and which may have something to do with this post’s title), with the very funny and clever Dan Santat at A Fuse #8 Production. Or perhaps two versions of Dan. Good music is involved, too.
* * Laurie Faria Stolarz visits the most thoughtful person in all of cyberspace, Little Willow, at Bildungsroman.
* * Nova Ren Suma at Shelf Elf.
Reminders: The master schedule for the week is here. I’ll be here on Thursday with the ĂĽber-talented illustrator and writer Jim Di Bartolo.
You’re very nice. 🙂