An Ashley Bryan Moment

‘My animals will welcome you, / I’ll sweep and clear a space.'”
(Click to enlarge spread)
So, I was going to write all about Ashley Bryan’s beautiful, new picture book, Who Built the Stable? A Nativity Poem, released by Atheneum in October. Then I remembered that this Q&A with Ashley, conducted by Jenny Brown, is over at the Kirkus Book Blog Network. Therefore, I send you over there, should you want to read more about the book. (And here, for the record, is Kirkus’ starred review of the book.)
Here’s an interview excerpt:
The story is of a boy working with people of many backgrounds. I wanted the richness of the region: Africa and Egypt, and the bridge across into the Sinai Peninsula. The boy has this feeling of openness; the couple could have had the look of anyone in his father’s carpentry shop. He was not afraid of people, and he was able to see [Mary and Joseph] were people who needed help. The desire of the child, when they see someone in need, is to help. Jesus reached out to those in need: the widow, the sick, the lame. It’s the basic meaning of our lives on this Earth.
(I think, no matter your theological inclination, you can get behind this wonderful notion, yes?)
Holy whoa, do I love his art. It’s like the sun breaking through the clouds. Here’s another spread. Enjoy.
He called to them at sunset— / ‘Follow me!’—and led them home.”
(Click to enlarge spread)
WHO BUILT THE STABLE? A NATIVITY POEM. Copyright © 2012 by Ashley Bryan. Published by Atheneum, New York. Spreads reproduced with permission of the publisher.
I will take any and all Ashley Bryan Moments. Who knows how many more we all have? Thank you for this one.
Thanks, A.B. and J.W.D for sunshine and beauty on a gloomy December day.