7-Imp’s 7 Kicks #369:
Featuring Lena and Olof Landström

Have I ever said here at 7-Imp how much I love the work of Swedish author and illustrator duo Lena and Olof Landström? Well, I do. I see that in the old days of 7-Imp, back when images were tragically small, I once posted about Boo and Baa. (And, oh! The Benny books by Barbro Lindgren and illustrated by Olof! Oh, how I love those books, which once appeared in this post I co-wrote with Adrienne Furness.)
The Landströms’ latest book, Pom and Pim, does what I think the Landströms always do so well: They tell wonderfully droll stories that are all about the types of daily dramas (and traumas — see the ice cream-induced tummy ache below) that very young children really care about.
Pom and Pim was originally published in 2012, and this first American edition (which I think will be on bookshelves in March) comes from Gecko Press. (Yes, Gecko published last Sunday’s book as well, but hey, on the whole they make really entertaining books.) It tells the story of a young boy with his favorite toy, who head out on a warm day to explore and play. What follows is a series of good-luck / bad-luck moments, ending with one moment that could be seen as either good or back luck, depending on how full or empty one’s glass is. (This book would be great paired with either Linda Ashman’s Rain!, illustrated by Christian Robinson, or Jeff Mack’s Good News, Bad News.)
There are very short sentences here (“Money! What luck!”)—this is a book great for listening ears, but it’d also serve as a wonderful beginning reader of a picture book—not to mention many emotional highs (a balloon!) and lows (it pops!). Pom’s joys and tears are delivered with a sly, understated humor; he takes the stage on each spread with his expressive face, pulled off with minimal lines, and endearing self — all of which you can see here in the spreads I share today.
I love to see books for very young children done this well; I love to see what picture book folks overseas are doing; and this one will really resonate with young children. It’s so funny in spots.
Here’s more art. Enjoy.
(Click to enlarge)
(Click to enlarge)
POM AND PIM. Copyright © 2012 by Lena and Olof Landström. First American edition copyright © 2014 by Gecko Press. All images here reproduced by permission of the publisher.
Note for any new readers: 7-Imp’s 7 Kicks is a weekly meeting ground for taking some time to reflect on Seven(ish) Exceptionally Fabulous, Beautiful, Interesting, Hilarious, or Otherwise Positive Noteworthy Things from the past week, whether book-related or not, that happened to you. New kickers are always welcome.
I have been feeling a bit under the weather the latter half of this week, and—though I’m feeling better today—I’m going to scoot off and lie down again, since not-being-vertical is best right now. At least I’ve got season two of House of Cards to keep me entertained. (Episode one: What in the WHAT THE??)
What are YOUR kicks this week?
I love these illustrations today and have added Pom and Pim to our want to have list 🙂
Hope you’re feeling better soon, Jules! Maybe you used up all your energy meeting that book deadline. Maybe you need more beautiful chocolate.
My baby-centred kicks:
1. Our mother’s group is now meeting in a park so the babies can roll and crawl around on rugs. So cute!
2. The baby is getting stuck into eating solids, which is fun even if he insists on feeding himself which makes for a huge (but funny) mess. I love realising “this is the first time he’s tried xxx” – mango is tomorrow’s fruit before it goes out of season! (I am realising summer is coming to close so am starting to stockpile ice cubes of pureed plum, peach etc)
3. Realising how lucky I am that it doesn’t matter if the baby wastes half his food as we can afford more fruit and veg
4. Started swimming lessons with the baby . It’s mostly fun at this stage but with swimming pools very common here at some stage it will be good to know he won’t freak out and drown if he falls into water.
5. Got some soft roof racks on sale so that we can fit stuff on top of our not-giant car for camping
6. Getting some boring but important meetings set up
7. I cleaned out our pantry, scary but worthwhile.
Pom and Pim looks glorious. The colors alone are stupendous. Must read this. Feel better, Jules!
Contemplating the V-ness of things:
When I See a V
When I see a V
of Canada geese
I picture it as
a single piece
of a larger shape,
first letter in a word
spelled out southerly
bird by bird.
V is for vivid,
from vales of snow,
a vanishing
or is it very
©2014 Steven Withrow, all rights reserved
Good morning from Winter Wonderland!
This book looks like so much fun. I am going to do some book hunting this week. So I’ll have to keep an eye out for this one.
Jules – I hope you feel better soon. House of Cards!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can’t really say more except that so far the second season does not disappoint.
emmaco – I’m so glad you’re in a baby group. It was such a lifeline to me when my kids were small.
Steven – I’ll have to show this lovely poem to my son, Vincent.
1. Mailed out my newest promo postcards.
2. House of Cards
3. Valentine Chocolate
4. Youth Basketball game was exciting. My son’s team almost won this time.
5. Birdfeeder
6. I made a new self portrait for Winter ’14 http://instagram.com/p/kdCIhPFP63/
7. Teachers. I hope they have a great vacation this week.
I’m going to New York City Thurs.-Sun. Sent me a note if you’ll be in town and we can try to connect.
Oh Pom and Pim you make me smile. Love the color palette.
Jules, feel better! Not fun to be sick.
Emmaco, so fun to hear about baby.
Steven, we have lots of geese living near the river. Such vibrant images.
My kicks:
1. The CYBILS were announced on Friday.
2. Author, Susan Blackaby, began her three day stay at school on Thursday.
3. Dinner with a former co-worker.
4. “The Mousetrap” play with husband and dear friend.
5. Talking about my poetry book, Solace in Nature, to an elementary after school book club.
6. A four day weekend.
7. Waking to robins’ song.
Have a great week.
Emmaco, what fun days, as Rowan grows and his personality develops. I’m glad he’s getting introduced to the water and taught to be comfortable around it. (Oh, and p.s.: I DID get more pretty chocolates in the mail, this time from our publisher! LUCKY ME.)
Thanks, Steven. You made that one look easy to write, which I’m sure it wasn’t.
Moira: I knew we’d have season two done in about three days. We have only two episodes left. Whew, it hurts my brain to try to keep up with the political maneuvering, but yes, so far we’ve enjoyed it. … Love your self-portrait. Wish I could hang out in NYC with you.
Moira, missed you. Yum, chocolate. Good luck to your son on future games.
Jone, spam tried to eat your comment for breakfast. Weird. Just saved it.
Long weekend! Enjoy. And you’re hearing robins … Spring is nearly here! … Congrats on all your hard Cybils work. It’s always fun to read the results.
Oh…I’m so happy this morning to see my most favorite illustrator/author team of ALL TIME! I have loved their work for so long and I am thrilled another one of their jewels is coming to US.
Thank you thank you thank you Jules for posting this this morning.
Aren’t they great, Lori? Hope you get to see it soon. It’s very funny.
Good morning, Imps!
Hi there, Lena and Olof Landström, and Pom and Pim!
Jules: I hope you feel better soon. Ask your family to spoil you today! I haven’t seen House of Cards yet. I watched the first two episodes of Caper online this week.
emmaco: Glad that the little one is doing well.
Steven: I love watching flocks of geese or other birds fly.
Moira: Go, Moira, go! Your valentines are cool.
Jone: Congrats on the discussion-session!
Hi Lori!
My week in kicks:
1) Performance
2) Auditions (two more today – wish me luck!)
3) Writing
4) Beating deadlines
5) Getting feedback
6) Katy B’s album On a Mission
7) Keeping it together
Little Willow, here’s to keeping it together, and BREAK A LEG at auditions today.
My favorite thing about House of Cards is the very complex character that is Claire Underwood. I would think it would be a delight to play that role.
Thanks, Jules! How are you feeling? I don’t have Netflix but House of Cards sounds interesting.
Break a leg LW!:)
Happy Sunday all
Pom and Pim looks wonderful and fun. I will definitely be on the lookout for it.
Feel better Jules! House of Cards is on my list for when I’m done with Breaking Bad.
emmaco – baby swimming classes sounds so fun. Enjoy the last of summer!
Hi Stephen, lovely poem.
Moira – love the selfie, and your Instagram feed, just started to follow you – that snowed in birdfeeder pic is amazing! Have fun in NY! (rachelbusygrl is my Instagram)
Jone – dinner and a play sounds like a lovely evening. Hope you’re enjoying the 4 day weekend!
LW – Break a Leg! Hooray for beating deadlines – I love that feeling of, “whew, it’s done.”
My kicks this week:
1) Baking red velvet chocolate chip cookies for a work Valentine’s Day Dessert Bar.
2) Baking red velvet brownies for a dinner with girlfriends.
3) Having a goofy and romantic Valentine’s Day lunch with my sweetie, complete with making Kir Royales to go with it.
4) Finally saw August Osage County. My goodness, but what an amazing wonderful cast.
5) A karaoke night with girlfriends, complete with private karaoke room, lots of singing, dancing & girlfriends.
6) A session helping coach the law school’s Mock Trial team – they were great, and it’s always fun to remember that was me, once upon a time.
7) A full and busy week, spent surrounded by my amazing friends.
Have a wonderful weekend everyone!
Feeling better, LW. Thanks!
Rachel: Dang. Yes, you had a busy and very fun week. I want to be your live-in-the-same-city-as-you friend and sing karaoke with you. … What are Kir Royales? I gotta look this up.
LOVE those illustrations! I can so see Pom & Pim animated. 🙂
Jules- I hope you get to feeling better!
emm- Such cool baby kicks! I miss those years!
Steven- Would love to use your poem in the classroom
Moira- I love your selfie. Your hair looks glorious
Jone-I love The Mousetrap. I saw it in London with my mom, and it was fabulous with British accents
Willow- Hope your auditions went well!
Rachel- Yum! Lots of red velvet treats!!
My kicks:
1) a lovely Saturday alone with my husband, walking around Gatlinburg, eating steaks, and driving through the National Park
2) my eldest had a wonderful time at a sleepover which thrills me because he’s not always so good socially
3) a movie night with my family tonight
4) cooking for my family on Friday for Valentine’s Day and making a successful alfredo sauce
5) my 10-year-old daughter’s face when she discovered a rose that her Daddy put on her pillow on Friday
6) looking forward to the week ahead- I love anticipation!
7) watching my son make his family tree poster for school and talking with him about family members
Jules, you can come sing karaoke with me anytime! I would seriously love that.
A Kir Royale is champagne and creme de cassis, berry in the glass optional – I used blackberries. I love it because it’s pretty and seems so fun and sophisticated.
Love this! Boo and Baa and the Benny books were beloved favorites when Jackson was small. And though I’m not a regular kicker, and don’t have 7 of them, I did have a big one: Jackson turned 16 last week. Yowza. Hope you’re feeling better, Jules!
Shannon, what a good week you had. I love kick #5.
Thanks for the info, Rachel. And, yes, karaoke. One day.
Linda, happy birthday to him!
LOVE the Landstrom’s work. Was so lucky Olof illustrated Wallace’s Lists.
I would LOVE to have his email again…..
he is truly a brilliant artist, capturing so much of life in his quirky drawings.
[…] love Lena and Olof Landström’s Pom and Pim, originally published in 2012. They are from Sweden, and their books usually come to American […]