Loïc Dauvillier on the Duty of Remembrance

“Marc Lizano and I were wondering about our roles as fathers in the duty of remembrance. We are fathers and we are also authors. Soon enough, we wondered about our roles as authors in passing on the memory of things. We started from a principle that knowing past events can help to avoid repeating them.”
This morning over at Kirkus, I chat briefly with author and comics writer Loïc Dauvillier.
Dauvillier’s latest graphic novel for children, illustrated by Marc Lizano and Greg Salsedo, is called Hidden (First Second). Subtitled A Child’s Story of the Holocaust, it’s the story of a young Jewish girl living in Paris during the Holocaust, and it will be released in April.
That chat is here this morning.
Image of Loïc Dauvillier used by permission of First Second.