7-Imp’s 7 Kicks #379: Featuring David Roberts

Hi, all. I usually feature the work of others here at the ol’ blawg, but today I’m doing something a bit different.
As many of you know, I’ve finished up work on a book that I wrote with Betsy Bird and the late Peter D. Sieruta. It’s called Wild Things: Acts of Mischief in Children’s Literature. It will be published in August. Candlewick has made a press release for the book, which includes a Q&A with me and Betsy.
I shared this press release on Facebook and Twitter and other such wild and wacky social media-type places, and I don’t want to annoy the everlovin’ life out of everyone by going on and on about this book. But it occurred to me this week that I hadn’t shared the press release here at 7-Imp. So, that’s what I’m doing today.
It’s here in all its red and white glory.
All throughout the book, we will have cute, fluffy bunnies (you’ll understand why when you read the book), as seen above, and those were created by British illustrator David Roberts, who also did the cover art. (Do check out his website, if you’re so inclined, ’cause you’ll have fun.)
Our book’s “home” at bookselling websites (Indiebound, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and the like) already includes the nice author blurbs we have for the book. Here’s one example. (So surreal.)
Anyway. Just sharing. … Now, let’s get to kicks!
WILD THINGS!. Illustrations copyright © 2014 by David Roberts. Reproduced by permission of the publisher, Candlewick Press, Somerville, MA.
Note for any new readers: 7-Imp’s 7 Kicks is a weekly meeting ground for taking some time to reflect on Seven(ish) Exceptionally Fabulous, Beautiful, Interesting, Hilarious, or Otherwise Positive Noteworthy Things from the past week, whether book-related or not, that happened to you. New kickers are always welcome.
1) I spoke about the book in Huntsville this week for the Alabama American Library Association, and I really enjoyed the presentation and the people I met.
2) To-die-for Spring weather.
3) Season one of Orphan Black is a total kick.
4) I got caught up on blog-related email yesterday, though I’m still not fully done. This will probably last only a couple of days, but it feels good for now. (Most of these emails began with, “I’m so sorry it took forever to get back to you….”)
6) I’m in Knoxville today, having fun, which is another reason I kept today’s post short. I’m probably on a roller coaster as you’re reading this.
What are YOUR kicks this week?
Glad you included it here, because I missed it in all those other places – and I’m interested in this subject.
YEAH!! I am so thrilled for you all that this book is finally coming in to the world. Do you remember all that time ago (it really does feel like ages ago) when we met and this book was in it’s infancy? Or maybe it’s toddler-hood at that point? Amazing what a long process it is. I can’t wait to see the real thing!!!
So here are some kicks…
1. Spring is trying to arrive. Slowly but surely.
2. Celebrated my youngest daughter’s performance in the Sound of Music this weekend. Such an amazing show!
3. Reading a great book about ballet which is not my thing so it must be a great book. Astonish Me by Maggie Shipstead.
4. Salted sunflower seeds. I’d forgotten how tasty this little snack could be.
5. Dinner out at a hibachi steak house. So fun!
6. My newly acquired reading glasses that make reading even more fun.
7. Having time on a Sunday morning to revisit this place that has received way too little of my time of late.
How much do I love the press release and interview? I love it a whole bunch. I am so excited to read this book, Jules.
Jules: Have fun on the roller coaster. You are braver than I am.
Stacey: I really love fun reading glasses.
My kicks:
1. Sunshine
2. Working in my gardens
3. Birdsong in the mornings
4. Spring peepers at night
5. My yard is finally free of snow
6. Tulips, daffodils and hyacinths popping up.
7. Walks with sweet Xena
Have a great week!
Woohoo, Jules, it’s getting closer to publication! I can’t wait. Loved the interview. I have that Snow White book with illustrations by Trina Schart Hyman in the library. Enjoy the roller coasters.
Stacey, yum sunflower seeds. Enjoy spring.
Margie, sounds like you finally have spring with flowers. Enjoy walks with Xena.
My kicks:
1. Three performances of the school play.
2. Two college friends who were able to attend on last minute plans.
3. Oldest grand girl visiting for “take your kids to work day.” She read to four classes of kinder and first grades.
4. Oldest grandgirl brought the poetry post cards from her class to exchange with another third grade class.
5. Finished reading Mudbound.
6. Poetry
7. Time to rest, it was a busy week.
Have a great week.
I am trying to temper my excitement for your book but it’s getting harder and harder.
Spring weather is very moody here in New England.
Hi Sasha.
Stacey – We cooked outside this week too. Hooray!
Margie – Do you have forsythia? It makes all the difference to the grey landscape around here.
Jone – Here’s to poetry and rest.
I had a lot of time with my kids this week which meant little time in the art studio but felt like an even trade.
I am however ready for them to go back to school and me back to the drawing board.
Have a productive week all.
Such a joy to see the cover of WILD THINGS! in all of its glory. Share away, Jules! Y’all should be proud of what you’ve created.
Bonus points for bunnies.
I posted earlier, but the Wild Things must have eaten it…
Stacey: Give your daughter a high-five from me!
Margie: Such beauty in nature.
Jone: Hurrah for all of the performers, the producers, and the crew! Very nice of your grands to hang out and help out.
Hi Sasha! Hi Moira!
My kicks for the past week:
1) Opening
2) Knee-highs
3) Orphan Black
4) Talking it out
5) Really listening
6) More to come
7) Russian dolls
I’ll be back tomorrow. Promise. Long day. Late night.
Hope everyone had a good Sunday.
Hooray Jules! So excited for your book! And roller coasters! Woot woot! Hope you’ve been having a blast today.
And love the fluffy bunnies too.
Hi Sasha!
Stacey – hibachi steakhouse dinner – yum! And seeing your youngest perform in The Sound of Music! Great week.
Margie – sunshine, birdsong and walks with Xena also sounds wonderful.
Jone – you did have a busy week! Hope the play performances went well, love that your oldest grandgirl read to classes.
Moira – glad you had fun with your kids, here’s to getting back in your studio this week.
My kicks this week:
1) Counting to 100 when necessary
2) Big decisions
3) Fun dinners
4) Cocktails & catching up with a good law school girlfriend I see every 1.5 years or so.
5) Soccer game today – we lost – but good game and great workout.
6) Pizza for dinner
7) Rescued 6 little feral kittens – cute furballs are now at the shelter getting medical attention and will be fostered til they old enough to get adopted.
Have a wonderful week everyone! Go Blazers!
Thanks, Sasha.
Stacey, yes, it’s taken a while, huh? Happy Spring, and congrats to your daughter. Did she have a singing role?
Margie, SNOW-FREE? Finally! Congrats! Yes, I rode a coaster called the Wild Eagle that was super crazy thrilling. I like big drops, and this one had a MASSIVE one.
Jone, so cool that your oldest granddaughter got to spend the day with you like that. Even better that she read to everyone and passed out poetry.
Moira: Enjoy the drawing board, when you get back to it.
Rachel, I LOVE YOUR LAST KICK. Where’d you find the wee baby kittens? …. Big decisions are hard. Glad you made it past it, and I like your cryptic first kick.
Happy week, all!
Testing! I posted twice yesterday but I think dingoes (or Wild Things!) ate my comments…
Testing… testing.. It’s not letting me post! I posted twice on Sunday and tried again Monday. Hmm.
Little Willow, I just saved your comments from spam. WHY is it doing that? I have no idea. I’ll ask my husband later.
What cheery kicks, and I hope this week is just as good for you.
Julie – I’m late to this party, and now it seems effortless that you produced this amazing looking book but I know it must have been a mountain of work over a long tme. I congratulate you most heartily. It was great fun to read the Q&A about such a fine collaboration, fun to have YOU interviewed. I’m looking forward to the book and wish you the best with the launch and all the attendant celebration!
Thanks, Katy!
So glad you posted the press release here. It is fabulous and I can’t wait to read your book. CONGRATULATIONS! You have so much excitement ahead. September will be here in no time!