7-Imp’s 7 Kicks #420: Featuring Zachariah OHora

I’ve got a review over at BookPage of Ame Dyckman’s Wolfie the Bunny, illustrated by Zachariah OHora and released this month by Little, Brown. That review is here, and today—with thanks to OHora—I’ve got some dummy samples, alternate covers and endpages, character studies, and final art to share with you.
Let’s get right to it …
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WOLFIE THE BUNNY. Text copyright © 2015 by Ame Dyckman. Illustrations copyright © 2015 by Zachariah OHora. Published by Little, Brown and Company, New York. All images here reproduced by permission of Zachariah OHora.
Note for any new readers: 7-Imp’s 7 Kicks is a weekly meeting ground for taking some time to reflect on Seven(ish) Exceptionally Fabulous, Beautiful, Interesting, Hilarious, or Otherwise Positive Noteworthy Things from the past week, whether book-related or not, that happened to you. New kickers are always welcome.
1) My girls had the entire week off because of ice, and so we got to read a lot more than normal.
2) I love this:
3) Ice quakes aren’t fun, but the kick is that at least I know what that sound is now. Oof.
4) When my friend sees my book on the new nonfiction shelf at her library and snaps a pic for me:
5) Bill Murray’s “Jaws” theme song on SNL 40 last week.
6) My daughters’ friends make me laugh.
7) Not long now till House of Cards, season three.
What are YOUR kicks this week?
I am madly in love with WOLFIE THE BUNNY, and I haven’t even read it yet. Adore the endpapers!
My kicks:
1. Sonnets
2. Flight of the Conchords
3. Richard Scarry
4. Canada
5. Duran Duran
6. National Geographic Book of Nature Poetry
7. Metaphors:
Night is not a bear.
It does not fatten for winter.
Or sleep.
In the crash and swish of a falls
Night sweeps spent fish
Night is not a river bear.
It leaves no cubs, no scent.
No dreams.
Even the long song of night
Is not a bear’s growl.
An owl’s?
© 2015 Steven Withrow, all rights reserved
Ooh, endpapers. I love endpapers. Wolfe looks to be quite a bit of fun.
Jules, Bill Murray was hilarious. I loved Jeopardy. Glad your safe from all that ice. Hope you are thawing out.
Steven, I love the last two lines of Night.
My kicks:
1. Orchid’s second boom.
2. Audition for Listen to Your Mother.
3. Lunch with writing critique member.
4. The weather. Wish I could send some sun to you all in the east.
5. My geranium has wintered over.
6. Bookclub tonight (confession: I didn’t finish The Sweetness at the Bottom of the pie. Couldn’t get into it).
7. My dear friend is up from AZ. Will see her tonight and tomorrow night.
Hi All,
Jules- glad you were safe during the ice storm. An ice quake sounds pretty creepy! And I love, love, love the Kate Dicamillo piece!
Steven- I love that you have Richard Scary and Duran Duran in the same set of kicks!
Jone- Listen to your Mother auditions! Such fun. And I couldn’t get into The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie either. I tried really hard but just couldn’t do it.
Ok… My kicks.
1. While we got still more snow last night, it is above freezing today for the first time in ages and ages and ages.
2. My book club meets on Friday and while I haven’t finished the book (Empty Mansions) and not sure I will, I”m excited to see my friends.
3. Middle school girl drama can’t last forever, right?
4. Homemade sugar cookies.
5. The Fall on Netflix. Super dark but super good.
6. The Oscars! While I can never stay up late enough, I love it all the same.
7. Coffee.
Have a great week everyone!
I so love this book, Jules. I have read it over and over again. As a read aloud it is flawless. Everything about it, the combination of art and text, is wonderful.
I am glad you had the extra time with your girls to share more books.
Steven: Thank you for another beautiful poem.
Jone: I think it’s so great when a plant decides to bloom, especially in the midst of winter.
My kicks:
1. Book surprises in the mail
2. Yesterday it was warm enough to walk the neighborhood
3. Sunshine despite the bone-chilling temperature
4. Fluffy new snow
5. Home
6. Heat
7. Walks with Xena
Enjoy your week everyone.
I do agree whole-heartedly with your kick number 1. Above freezing is starting to feel downright balmy.
Good morning, Imps!
Hola to Zachariah OHora, Wolfie, Dot, and company. How fun that the cover was inspired by a picture of a human family.
Jules: Hope the ice quakes didn’t shake you up too much. It’s fun to say cryoseismic boom but I bet it’s not fun to experience. Too bad you can’t blame it on Nick Ocean and Jaws, right?
Steven: “Night is not a river bear” is my favorite line from your poem.
Jone: Break a leg! Enjoy the flowers and the friends.
Stacey: I have yet to see The Fall, but I’ve heard good things.
Margie: I read that as “Fluffy Sunshine” and that amused me.
My kicks from the past week:
1. Performances
2. Premiere
3. Purple
4. Patience
5. Pondering
6. Perseverance
7. Pleasant
I feel like every time I visit these days I am apologising for my absence! But sorry again – crazy times with busy work and my husband away overseas.
Love the look of Wolfie the bunny!
Jules your icy weather sounds nuts! Is it warming up yet? Though a week of extra reading does sound great. I am not sure I would survive a week inside the house with a toddler though.
1. Big cyclone hit the coast of QLD a few days ago where my dad and other family live, but fortunately all ok. No power or water as yet but fortunately they like camping! But feel very lucky it wasn’t more serious.
2. Caught up with an old friend and her cute baby yesterday
3. With a pear cake I haven’t made for a while (it was still delicious)
4. I also made the time to make some lactation biscuits for a nursing friend and felt glad I did so
5. So busy at work but I quite like that
6. One of the projects involves interviewing people door to door, and even though I know most people are nice, I have found so out again in this work – so many interesting and friendly and open people
7. Found a fun podcast by two women journalists I admire and am now following up on their book, television and recipe recommendations!
Steven a lovely poem.
Stacey sugar cookies are so simple but so delicious.
Jone I wasn’t that keen on that book either. I read it as I thought it was ok, but felt like I was missing something as I know it was very popular! Glad your geranium survived winter. Mine looks like it has survived summer – epic amounts of rain pouring over from the overloaded gutters 🙂
Margie your list is very evocative of the place you’re living. I cannot imagine it being too cold to walk.
LW purple is the item that piques my interest the most this week!
Hey Gang!
Love, love, love the author and illustrator of this book. Can’t wait to check it out. Thanks to Zacharia for sharing so much process work with us.
Jules – That Bill Murray bit was great. I just watched St. Vincent last night. I liked it very much.
I remember Mrs. Rice reading to us in the 5th grade. It was the best. I still read to my kids even though they are big kids now.
Good one, Stephen
Jone – I am impressed that you got that second bloom. I’ve never unlocked that level.
Stacey – Coffee solves so many problems
Margie – Surprise books! how nice.
LW – Perfect!
Emmaco – What’s the podcast?
1. Got most of the tax prep done
2. The snow was a benefit during school vacation because they had a fun time out there, except on the day that it was seven degrees out.
3. Three generation dinner with my mom, sister, daughter and niece.
4. Got Netflix back, you know why.
5. I’m getting art ready for a picture book process show that’s coming up soon.
6. I still have a stash of Valentine’s chocolate
7. Drawing in pen and ink on the Cape on Edward Gorey’s birthday seems just right.
Have a great week all and have some cake on Tuesday for my birthday.
Wolfie the Bunny loos so awesome. My favorite illustration is Dot looking so fierce and feisty in her red hoodie. Go get’em Dot!
Jules – Yay for more reading, and your daughters’ friends making you laugh. I loved Jaws, and seeing Tina, Amy and Jane behind the Weekend Update Desk. (But bummed Eddie Murphy didn’t perform.)
Steven – I like the contrast of Sonnets and Flight of the Conchords.
Jone – hasn’t this sunshine been amazing? Have fun at your bookclub!
Stacey – sugar cookies + coffee = yum! I’ll be watching the Oscars too.
Margie – hope you and Xena enjoyed the fluffy new snow!
LW – your 6 and 7 are my favorites this week. They go together, those two.
emmaco – pear cake? recipe please! Glad your family is ok! And I’m with you, I love being surprised at the niceness of others.
Moira – Congrats on the 3 generation dinner, that’s pretty terrific. Glad your kids had fun in the snow.
My kicks this week:
1) Amazing Daisy – smart pup hit a milestone – she can now be left alone in the house OUTSIDE of her crate for upwards of 4 hours. Very proud of her for all her progress.
2) Planted garlic and shallots yesterday in the wonderful sunshine.
3) Got sad work news – nice to have a colleague to weather it with.
4) Good friends to have HH cocktails and conversations with.
5) This great program, if y’all have soon-to-be 4th graders, take advantage of it: http://www.nationalparks.org/ook/every-kid-in-a-park
6) Looking forward to The Oscars tonight and NPH hosting.
7) Heading out to a soccer game shortly.
7.5) Scored early tickets for Shakey Graves in May – woohoo!
Have a wonderful week everyone!
Thanks, Zachariah, for letting us in on your process. I’m ALways fascinated by it 🙂 And the final cover was definitely a great choice. When I saw it at B&N the other day, it was front and center as soon as you walked into the kids’ section and it REALLY stood out (took pics and sent to Ame). And the little snout on Wolfie and the white insteaof black eye on Dot were also the way to go. You certainly know what you’re doing! The book is every bit as good as I knew it would be, too! 😀
As far as “kicks,” it’s tough for me this week. It hasn’t been the best with my dad in the hospital now, having gotten another stent, too much shoveling, etc., my boyfriend’s had the flu for 2 weeks, I was feeling symptoms that often felt “emergency room” worthy…things like that. Not fun…BUT…there are ALways things to be grateful for, so I’ll try 🙂
1. Thank God our neighbor has a powerful snowblower and often comes by to move the large areas for us.
2. My father’s operation went well and we think he may actually listen this time and take the necessary meds.
3. My boyfriend and I just received a “thank you” t-shirt and baseball cap each from Chess.com for all the work we do for them with Chess.com/TV.
4. I made some headway on some organizational stuff here at home.
5. I’m very grateful for shelter and food, and it comes to mind more often when the temps are so cold and hurt for the homeless : /
6. I’ve figured out a way to stop by 7 Imps more often 🙂
7. I’m enjoying finally reading Feathers, another wonderfully-written book by Jacqueline Woodson.
Loving being back here again, Jules 🙂
I got slammed today, you all. Back in the morning. Thanks for leaving kicks, and more soon!
Rachel it’s this pear and almond cake from River Cottage. It’s almost more like a tart as it doesn’t rise much. I only use two large pears, and don’t feel like it needs cream or anything with it as it’s nice and buttery https://www.rivercottage.net/recipes/pear-and-almond-cake
Moira it’s Leigh Sales and Annabel Crabb, two Australian journos/news presenters doing Chat 10 Looks 3. I think part of the appeal is knowing the women through their work so not sure it would be as attractive to someone overseas 🙂 The audio on the first one is dodgy on my computer too but the others are fine. http://www.chat10looks3.com
Steven, thanks for that poem. Always good to read your new ones. …. And I’m high-fiving you on Flight of the Conchords.
Jone, have fun with your visitor! Yes, we’re thawing off, though the girls got off school AGAIN today.
Stacey, despite all the stuffing-of-women-into-trunks by that crazy man, The Fall is, thanks to Gillian Anderson’s character, one of the most feminist shows on TV, I think. We just finished Season Two. … Glad you’re thawing out, and I hope the middle school drama subsides soon.
Margie, glad you’re getting sunshine too. Soon it will be Spring. It really will be. I know you have more Winter than Spring where you live, yes? On the whole, that is. But soon it will be here.
Little Willow: Fluffy Sunshine. Band name. I call it. …. Premiere! Hope it went well.
Emmaco, I haven’t even heard of this book you all are talking about (that you can’t get into). Sometimes I’m so behind. … SO GLAD that your dad and family are okay after the cyclone. Wow.
Moira: Happy birthday early! And what is a picture book process show?
Rachel: GO, DAISY! Yay for garlic. SHAKEY GRAVES!! You are going to love this show; the hearing loss will be worth it (though maybe he’ll be less plugged in at this show — one never knows). So sorry about your sad work news.
Donna, wishing your dad the very best — and hoping your boyfriend feels better soon. Sometimes, on the crappy weeks, it’s good to mine for the kicks. I think. I like your fifth kick and try to be mindful of that all the time (and I don’t live in such a snowy place as you!). I also like kick #6, because I like YOU. … Do you know I’ve never read Feathers, and I am fluent in ASL? Gotta fix that. I did, however, buy a copy of Locomotion to read to my girls. It’s one of my favorite children’s books ever. (And did you say that YOU are feeling flu symptoms, too? If so, hope you are feeling better today.)
Have a great week, all, and sorry I got here late. Yesterday was so, so busy. (Well, I did get sucked into the Oscars, and then before I knew it, it was after midnight. So, there’s that.)
Hang in there Donna! Hope everyone keeps getting healthy!
emmaco – thanks so much for the recipe – it looks lovely! I had wondered if it was a tart – when I hear pears I always think they go best in a tart.
Jules – I am SO looking forward to that concert in May – its going to be a girls night and its going to be fun!
Rachel, did you get his latest EP? He covers “A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes,” which made me so happy.
Jules – NO! I will go listen to it tonight. And thanks for the Daisy love – I am SOOOO proud of her – she’s really doing amazing. Such a good girl.
Ha Jules it was published ages ago, you aren’t behind the times 🙂