What I’m Doing at Kirkus This Week,
Plus What I Did Last Week, Featuring Lauren Castillo

Suddenly my mom’s there and we are all hugging at once.”
— Sketch, line art, and final art from Eve Bunting’s Yard Sale,
illustrated by Lauren Castillo
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This morning over at Kirkus, I write about a Belgian import, Jan De Kinder’s Red (Eerdmans, March 2015). That is here.
Since I wrote last week (here) about Eve Bunting’s Yard Sale (Candlewick, April 2015), illustrated by Lauren Castillo, I’ve got some art from the book, as well as some of Lauren’s early sketches and line art for some of the spreads.

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already put prices on them.”
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YARD SALE. Text copyright © 2015 by Eve Bunting. Illustrations copyright © 2015 by Lauren Castillo. Reproduced by permission of the publisher, Candlewick Press, Somerville, MA. Sketches and line art reproduced by permission of Lauren Castillo.
I love this!
So much fun! Even the line sketches look awesome…. she’s so talented.
Beautiful peek into a gifted artist’s process. I love seeing the early stages of her very accomplished drawings!
This is the greatest. Love seeing the process.
Lauren, I love your work and REALLY enjoy seeing the sketches! 😀 Just beautiful!
I’m being reminded that I began my writing life as a visual artist who discovered I could write well and draw a little. This makes me wish I had kept up both. So, now’s the time to dig through office drawers. Where’s that sketchbook?
A feast for my eyes and brain! I’ve been waiting to see Lauren’s process forever. I would love it if she did a whole book as a “sketch” the gorgeous linework with the green bits? Amazing. Thanks for sharing guys.