7-Imp’s 7 Kicks #438, the Love-Wins Version:
Featuring Christian Robinson

My one giant kick this week—all wrapped around kicks one to seven—is the news from the Supreme Court on marriage equality for all. It was a wonderful day on Friday when the news was announced, and it’s a new day in America. Today’s image is from Christian Robinson. (For those interested, the roosters can be purchased here at Red Cap Cards or as a print from Gallery Nucleus.)
Love wins, y’all!
What are YOUR kicks this week?
Oh, and the necessary spiel:
Note for any new readers: 7-Imp’s 7 Kicks is a weekly meeting ground for taking some time to reflect on Seven(ish) Exceptionally Fabulous, Beautiful, Interesting, Hilarious, or Otherwise Positive Noteworthy Things from the past week, whether book-related or not, that happened to you. New kickers are always welcome.
Illustration is copyright © 2015 by Christian Robinson and used by his permission.
It’s the perfect illustration for today, Jules. Friday was a momentous day. With the Supreme Court ruling and Obama’s eulogy, just wow.
My kicks:
1. Grace
2. Smoothies
3. Sophie
4. BLT sandwiches
5. Old family photos
6. Swallowtail butterfly
7. Hope
Have a great week.
Yes, that “Amazing Grace” was pretty incredible stuff. I still have on my to-do list to hear his entire speech.
Hugs to Sophie.
My 7 kicks for the week:
1. Amazing Grace. Pres. Obama’s eulogy for Rev. Clementa Pinckney. I’ve watched it three times now.
2. Obergefell v. Hodges, and all of the celebrations that followed — the proliferation of rainbows (even on the White House). As SCOTUS 5-4 ruling and the hateful dissents (especially from Scalia, Roberts, Thomas) remind us, the journey towards equality is not yet over. But this is a huge step. Incidentally, Glenn Greenwald’s piece on the history of this fight is well worth a look: https://firstlook.org/theintercept/2015/06/26/todays-supreme-court-ruling-though-expected-still-shocking/
3. Bree Newsome, the American hero who scaled the flagpole and removed the Confederate flag from the flagpole by South Carolina’s statehouse. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gr-mt1P94cQ&feature=youtu.be
4. King v. Burwell. The Affordable Health Care Act (ACA, aka Obamacare) survives yet another challenge, 6-3. The act is far from perfect, but it has expanded medical coverage in this country and its opponents have no better system to offer.
5. Schadenfreude. The creative vitriol — especially Scalia’s — in the dissenting opinions have been rather amusing. “Interpretive jiggery-pokery,” “Words no longer have meaning,” and of course Scalia’s desire to “hide [his] head in a bag” (a sentiment many of us would endorse, I think). If you haven’t seen Stephen Colbert’s response to Obergefell v. Hodges, it’s a delight: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xoZWtdfmIIw
6. Largely to amuse myself, I have been learning the lyrics to “Ya Got Trouble” (The Music Man) — finished memorizing them this week. Next challenge is to learn to accompany myself on the guitar.
7. Finally got my copy of Jim Averbeck and Yasmeen Ismail’s One Word from Sophia, which is one of my favorite picture books of the year.
Good morning, Imps!
Jules: That Christian Robinson illustration is fantastic! Thanks for sharing.
Sophie: Thinking of you and your humans! 🙂
(CC: Jone)
My kicks for the past week:
1) Shows
2) Chances
3) Songs
4) Dances
5) Sunshine
6) Certainty
7) Pursuits
Hooray for love! Happy weekend Imps! What an amazing week this was.
Jone – hugs to Sophie. Does your garden get lots of butterflies? Mine is currently full of fat bumblebees buzzing around the lavender bushes.
Philip – Thanks for the Colbert link – so awesome. And yes, such a great happy week for good SCOTUS decisions.
LW – Your kicks read more like a poem than usual this week! 1-5 – in that order – are my faves! There should always be dancing.
My kicks this week:
1) A perfect birthday – breakfast with a friend, productive work accomplished, then dinner and drinks with more friends – couldn’t ask for a better day.
2) The eloquence of Justice Kennedy’s last paragraph in Obergefell v. Hodges makes me so proud that sometimes my chosen profession can write so movingly about issues that really matter.
3) Volunteering at the Portland International Beer Fest Friday night. Made some new friends, had a lot of fun, & got a donation for the Portland Animal Welfare Team because of it. Win-win!
4) President Obama. I know some people were disappointed in him previously, but when you take the long view – he’s really delivered on his promises, and is such a compassionate, calm, caring leader.
5) Heat wave = popsicles, fans, & lazing around reading & watching movies to beat the heat.
6) Creole devilled eggs made for a friend’s brief visit yesterday. Yum!
7) Getting an awesome text from one of my nieces – love that kid – she always makes me smile.
7.5) Introduced Daisy to watermelon yesterday – she liked it so much she even ate the rind!
Happy Love Weekend Imps! Have a great week!
Phil, what glorious kicks, and good luck on that song!
LW: Sunshine. Always. Hear hear! If I were ever to get a tattoo, it’d be one of a sun.
Rachel: YES to kick #2! And #4. Did you hear his Marc Maron interview? Also, happy birthday again! So glad to hear it was a great day.