7-Imp’s 7 Kicks #460: Featuring Rashin Kheiriyeh

h1 November 29th, 2015 by jules

“While we were speaking, a horse suddenly rose out of the waves of the sea. …”
(Click to enlarge illustration)


Good morning, Imps! Today I’ve got the artwork of author-illustrator and animator Rashin Kheiriyeh (here she is pictured with Lisbeth Zwerger just last month), who was born in Iran and studied graphic design at the University of Tehran, as well as the School of Visual Arts in New York, and now lives in D.C. She has illustrated more than 50 children’s books (in such countries as France, Italy, Iran, the United States, Japan, Germany, Spain, South Korea, China, and India) and has also illustrated for such newspapers as the New York Times and Le Monde diplomatique. She’s the winner of a New Horizon Award from the Bologna Children’s Book Fair and the winner of the Golden Apple Award at the Biennial of Illustration Bratislava (BIB) in Slovakia.

The illustrations featured here today are from The Seven Voyages of Sinbad the Sailor, retold by SAID and to be released by NorthSouth Books this coming week (if I have my release-date facts straight). Sinbad’s tale is part of Thousand and One Nights (or, as it’s often referred to, One Thousand and One Nights or Arabian Nights). As this book’s intro notes:

The roots of the Thousand and One Nights go back more than two thousand years. There is no known author or first edition. The contents changed through the centuries, with new tales being added and others rewritten or discarded. The story of Sinbad the Sailor only became part of the collection in Antoine Galland’s French version, published in 1704.

Here’s a bit more of Rashin’s radiant artwork from this new edition, translated by David Henry Wilson. …

“One day a man came to Sinbad the Porter and said,
‘Will you carry this load for me to a certain place?'”

(Click to enlarge illustration)


“I stood up, walked around,
ate some of the island fruits, and drank from its streams. …”

(Click to enlarge illustration)


“The following morning the bird flew away, bearing me up into the clouds
until I could discern nothing below. …”

(Click to enlarge illustration)


” … I pulled a handful out of my bag and gave them
to the owner of the piece of meat to which I had tied myself. ….”

(Click to enlarge illustration)


“While we were resting, suddenly the earth shook. With a roar like that of a raging storm, a human figure as big as a palm tree appeared before us. …”
(Click to enlarge illustration)



THE SEVEN VOYAGES OF SINBAD THE SAILOR. Copyright © 2015 by NordSüd Verlag AG, CH-8004 Zurich, Switzerland. This edition published in 2015 by NorthSouth Books. Illustrations reproduced by permission of the publisher.

* * *

Note for any new readers: 7-Imp’s 7 Kicks is a weekly meeting ground for taking some time to reflect on Seven(ish) Exceptionally Fabulous, Beautiful, Interesting, Hilarious, or Otherwise Positive Noteworthy Things from the past week, whether book-related or not, that happened to you. New kickers are always welcome.

* * * Jules’ Kicks * * *

1) Finding out that a good friend, who is one of my favorite people on the planet and who is sick, got to come home from a hospital stay. Just in time for Thanksgiving too. This could pretty much constitute kicks one to seven, but I’ll keep going anyway.

2) Generous invitations, even when I have to turn them down.

3) Tag-team story time at my favorite independent bookstore with one of my favorite friends. And on Small Business Saturday, no less.

4) Good television. Master of None has been good thus far; last week’s episode of The Leftovers (“International Assassin”) blew me away; and Fargo continues to kick ass. Also, while we’re at it, I think that Kyle Mooney’s Bruce Chandling character on SNL is pretty much comic genius.

5) I got new wheels this weekend. I have mixed feelings about cars and my need for one, but it feels good to be in a new (used) one, since the one I’d been driving was, I think, on its last leg.

6) And I came home, after securing said car, to new music in the mail from very thoughtful friends. Since the new car was CD-less, a situation I knew must be quickly remedied, I was extra happy to see this music waiting in my mailbox. Now the car’s stereo can be broken in.

6½) Support from a family member, just when you really need it.

7) Good health. My family’s good health. Food on the table. A roof over our heads.

I saw this NYT piece on gratitude last week and thought of you all. Thanks for kickin’ with me for FOUR HUNDRED AND SIXTY WEEKS now!

What are YOUR kicks this week?

10 comments to “7-Imp’s 7 Kicks #460: Featuring Rashin Kheiriyeh”

  1. Good morning, Imps and illustrators! I hope everyone who celebrated Thanksgiving had a happy holiday weekend.

    Jules: Good thoughts for your friend! That’s lovely news. Three cheers for an attitude of gratitude. Best of luck with your new-to-you car. I liked Master of None. I haven’t seen The Leftovers or Fargo yet.

    My kicks from the past week:
    1) Grateful
    2) Listening
    3) Resting
    4) Books
    5) Plays
    6) Walks
    7) Warm

  2. The artwork of Rashin. It almost looks.like collage. And it is radiant.
    Jules, four hundred and sixty weeks, wowza! So glad that we habe this place to share our kicks. Congrats on the new car. And new music.
    My Kicks:
    1. Thanksgiving with friends.
    2. Music
    3. Planning presents.
    4. The movie, The Martian.
    5. Watching birds at our suet feeder.
    6. Organizing my office.
    7. Crisp, cold, days.
    Have a great week.

  3. LW, missed you. Love books and resting.

  4. Thank you for sharing Rashed’s work. It is beautiful!

    I’ll give the kicks a try (first time, on an easy week full of kicks!):
    1. Thanksgiving and all its associated perks: catching up with family, playing with babies, leftovers
    2. Celebrating my husband’s birthday at a favorite restaurant
    3. A supportive children’s book creative community and the inspiration its members share
    4. Gentle snowfall outside
    5. Fireplace and heat on inside
    6. Warm and fuzzy socks
    7. Health and happiness in our home

  5. What stunning artwork this week! They look like the kind of illustrations that made me wish I could climb into the story when I was a kid.

    Jules – congrats on the new car and the fun tag-team story time. Sending good thoughts for your friend. Thank you for this welcoming landing-place of light and gratitude! Makes me so happy I crawled out from the lurking shadows to start sharing years ago.

    LW – Perfect list for this past week. Love the walks and the warm and the resting kicks best!

    Jone – planning presents can be so much fun. Hooray for Thanksgiving with friends and music. This cold crisp sunshine has been wonderful!

    Dow – welcome! Lovely kicks – especially the combination of snowfall, fireplace, and warm fuzzy socks!

    My kicks this week:
    1) My butternut squash and carmelized onion galettes turned out nicely for Thursday’s dinner.
    2) Connecting with friends near and far.
    3) My lovely neighbors.
    4) Daisy, in all her stubborn, silly, snoring, dog ways.
    5) Food in my belly, fire in the fireplace, and binge-watching Friends until far too late.
    6) Work that is fulfilling.
    7) Feeling grateful and lucky to have a life that’s good.
    7.5) Seeing small acts of kindness still happening in the world – hopeful to see it keep spreading. Hope is a wonderful thing.

    Have a hopeful light-filled week everyone!

  6. Oh my this artwork is lovely with an underlying tinge of humor. Thank you for highlighting it Jules.

    I am happy for your friend, your new car and I know how you love music.

    Little Willow your kick number four has sustained me in every situation for my whole life. I understand.

    Glad you enjoyed Thanksgiving with friends Jone.

    Warm and fuzzy socks are the greatest this time of year Dow (any time really)

    Xena sends greetings to your stubborn, silly, snoring, sweet Daisy, Rachel

    My kicks:
    1. The joy of working with children
    2. The kindness of everyone at my vet’s office
    3. Good friends
    4. Traditional Thanksgiving treats
    5-7 Watching Xena run in her sleep, hearing her breathing and her doggy kisses.

    Have a great week all.

  7. Oh dear – I misspelled Rashin’s name above and can’t edit. I apologize, Rashin!

  8. Little Willow, O One of the Busiest People I Know: Glad you got some rest, though I know you generally don’t need a lot of it.

    Jone, I wanna see The Martian. I wonder if it’s already out on DVD. Must check. … Glad you had a good week!

    Welcome from me, too, Dow! I like your fifth and seventh kicks the best. Happy birthday to your husband!

    And, Rachel, what lovely final kicks (in particular). Also, since I’m extra hungry as I type this, your first kick is making me drool a bit.

    Margie, I send good wishes to you and Xena daily. I’m glad you have a great vet.

    Have a good week, everyone!

  9. Wow wow wow… Thank you for the introduction to Roshin’s work!

  10. Ahem… RAshin.

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