Borten’s Book Re-Birth

“The renewed interest in work I did so long ago is both wonderful and disconcerting; it brings back a different person, a young artist juggling a career and motherhood, as passionately immersed in visual expression as I later became in sound production.”
Over at Kirkus today, I talk to author-illustrator Helen Borten, pictured here, who left children’s literature in the early 1970s to launch an award-winning career in broadcast journalism and producing.
Thanks to Flying Eye Books, her picture books will be reprinted, the first in a series, next month.
That chat is here.
Until tomorrow …
Photo of Helen Borten used by permission of Flying Eye Books.
What an impossible coincidence: This morning I rescued a copy “The Sun,” still in its library plastic, card catalog pouch stamped with its former homes at different elementary schools. As I was showing off the illustrations, my aides here in the classroom wanted to know if she was still alive. So I searched her and here I find an article posted today!
The back of this 50 year old book states:
“This book has been specially bound to withstand long use and hard wear…” And it has!
Thank you for the article.
Perfect timing, indeed!