7-Imp’s 7 Kicks #579: Featuring Gérard DuBois

She wrapped Joey in a hug.”
Over at BookPage, I’ve got a review of Candace Fleming’s The Amazing Collection of Joey Cornell (Schwartz & Wade, February 2018), illustrated by Gérard DuBois. That is here, if you’re so inclined to read about it, and here at 7-Imp today, I’ve got some spreads from the book.
Tied with chains. Locked in an iron box. Joey sat spellbound.”
(Click to enlarge spread)

(Click to enlarge spread)

sifting, layering, mixing, making. Oh, how he wished his family
could feel happy, just for one afternoon. …”
(Click to enlarge spread and read text in its entirety)

‘Magical,’ whispered Betty. …”
(Click to enlarge spread and read text in its entirety)

THE AMAZING COLLECTION OF JOEY CORNELL. Text copyright © 2018 by Candace Fleming. Jacket and interior illustrations copyright © 2018 by Gérard DuBois. Illustrations reproduced by permission of the publisher, Schwartz & Wade, New York.
Note for any new readers: 7-Imp’s 7 Kicks is a weekly meeting ground for taking some time to reflect on Seven(ish) Exceptionally Fabulous, Beautiful, Interesting, Hilarious, or Otherwise Positive Noteworthy Things from the past week, whether book-related or not, that happened to you. New kickers are always welcome.
1) Yesterday’s marches.
2) A lovely meal at a friend’s home.
3) My oldest daughter placed second (for a charcoal drawing she did) in a county-wide school art contest. My youngest daughter was chosen for a county-wide band competition.
4) That makes it a good week for the arts.
5) I’m a little bit obsessed with the lyrics of Neko Case’s new song. Pure poetry.
6) Soon, I will have bifocals. I must be officially middle-aged, given that I’m looking forward to the optometrist’s call, telling me they’re in.
7) Finishing Lissa Evans’s Wed Wabbit with my girls. Such a funny book.
What are YOUR kicks this week?
Oh how I love the style & lushness of these illustrations. Will have to put this on the must-get list.
Jules – congrats to both your girls! Listening to the Neko case now. Wed Wabbit looks pretty funny.
My kicks this week:
1) The March For Our Lives marches & the young organizers. So proud of them all. Went to the one here in Portland, it was cold, it was rainy, & it was packed.
2) At the march, made eye contact with a young girl who was with her mom & sister, she had to be 7 or younger. I liked her sign & told her so, she said thank you, & I asked if I could take her picture & she, sis & mom all held up signs together. A family united.
3) Lin-Manuel & Ben Platt singing Found/Tonight.
4) My hero, 11 year old Naomi Wadler. That child.
5) Read “When You Reach Me’ by Rebecca Stead & really loved it.
6) Jenny Lawson dressed up a chipmunk & I couldn’t stop laughing: http://thebloggess.com/2018/03/20/i-see-a-big-box-of-knives-in-my-future-and-possibly-a-tetanus-shot-maybe-both/
7) Daisy always being so happy to see me when I get home. May I never take that for granted.
7.5) Spring. Spring bulbs. All the flowers to come….
Have a wonderful week full of hope & joy Imps!
Hi Imps! Hi Gérard!
Yay, Jules’ daughters! High-fives to each in turn, and then another one with both, synchronized. 🙂
Jules: I read that as “I’m looking forward to the optometrist’s cat.” Hee hee.
Rachel: I love it when pets are so happy to see their humans return home! Yes! And yay for the marchers.
My kicks for the week:
1) Marching
2) Onward
3) Rehearsals
4) Heart
5) Unabashed
6) Unashamed
7) GO
Jules, YAY for your week in the arts. And I’ve been curious about Wed Wabbit . . . .
Rachel, WHEN YOU REACH ME moved me!
Little Willow, OMG I knew it was you as soon as I saw “Hi Imps! Hi Gérard!”
My kicks:
1. I’m on the staff of FORESHADOW: A Serial YA Anthology, an exciting new online venue for YA short stories! I get to work with amazing people like the editors-in-chief Emily X.R. Pan and Nova Ren Suma.
2. – 7. My brother JP and Pauline (the newlyweds) are expecting a baby!!!!!!!
Oh my gosh, you all. I meant for yesterday’s marches to be kick #1, yet completely forgot that. I was typing when tired. Edited now. Der. It was very exciting to see. VOTE THEM OUT. The teens will save us.
Rachel, that post you shared is very funny, especially the name Dorothy Barker. So glad you got to march.
LW: I like your unabashed heart.
Tarie: Congrats on both kicks! Both are very exciting. When’s the baby due?
p.s. Little Willow: I’d meet the optometrist’s cat. Happily.
What a gorgeous book. Thank.you, Candace for such incredible art.
Jules, I, too, the marches, the young people! And good luck with your new glasses. Progressives?
PS…think you meant the baby question for Tarie not me
Rachel, good morning! I love the way Buster greets me after being gone. And those young people, the ones not teenagers.
LW: Love #4.
Tarie: congrats on becoming an aunt.
My kicks:
1. Young people and the marches.
2. Writing in honor of the protests. Enough!.
3. Advocating for students.
4. Watched Out of Africa last night.
5. Last week before Spring Break.
6. Poetry Rocks’ kids.
7. Poetry collages.
Have a great week.
Jone, I tried progressives, and that didn’t go well. These will be straight-up bifocals. I’m ready for them.
Yes, I meant to type “Tarie.” I just fixed that. I was typing with sleep in my eyes. I’m more awake now.
Have a great Spring Break! Not this week, but next week, right? Ours is this week, though as always, I have to keep working. … Happy to read your week included writing and poetry!
Hey LW -love kick #4 & #7 the best this week.
Tarie – congrats on the new nice/nephew/baby! And I really loved When You Reach Me – so beautifully told, hopeful & sad all at once.
Jone – they are all impressive, but the younger kids simply blow me away with how determined, focused & serious they are – such big hearts. Out of Africa is such a beautiful movie.
Jules – she has a series called “Our Mortification Unites Us” that I turn to when I need a laugh. Its literally just people sharing stories of embarrassing themselves. And Dorthy Barker is pretty cute.
I’m a bit late to the party here . . . but this book looks fabulous! Love the art and the focus on the emotional underpinnings of his obsessive collecting (very reminiscent of Peter Mark Roget’s obsessive list-making.) I will look for this one when it becomes available–thanks!