7-Imp’s 7 Kicks #617: Featuring Julie Morstad

I’ve had a very busy week and have an even busier one ahead, so I’m not exactly going to wax rhapsodic and in depth today here at 7-Imp on any one brand-new picture book, as I am wont to do on Sundays. I thought I’d post a holiday image, and I have a winter-esque one instead. This is from illustrator Julie Morstad — an image from Sara O’Leary’s When I Was Small, published back in 2012. How I love that book and this image. Julie is one of my favorite illustrators, and if you want to linger at her site (highly recommended), it is here.
May this post find you all as warm — and snug — as the girl pictured here.
Image reproduced by permission of Julie Morstad.
Note for any new readers: 7-Imp’s 7 Kicks is a weekly meeting ground for taking some time to reflect on Seven(ish) Exceptionally Fabulous, Beautiful, Interesting, Hilarious, or Otherwise Positive Noteworthy Things from the past week, whether book-related or not, that happened to you. New kickers are always welcome.
1) Good making-a-book news this week!
2) The lights of the holidays. The music of the holidays.
3) The way Chelsea Clinton consistently handles her haters. (I spent entirely too long trying to find an example of a tweet where someone, say, slams her appearance and she responds to them with absolute graciousness, while simultaneously and gently calling them out on their cruelty or ignorance or what-have-you. But I can’t find any examples, because she is so good at it that most of those losers end up deleting their original tweet.)
4) Although it was very difficult to hear, I made it through the new podcast Believed, which is ultimately about the power of young girls and women to make their voices heard.
5) I love to see year-end best-of lists, especially with books and music, including BookPage’s list from this week.
6) I got tickets for the whole family to see Lowland Hum in February.
7) I am really looking forward to a break from work, coming up soon, and my girls’ break from homework, coming up soon, during the holidays.
What are YOUR kicks this week?
What a perfect image for a cold & rainy Sunday here in the PNW! I’m having coffee in bed while Daisy is curled up at my feet, so this resonates.
Jules – I join in your kicks of the lights & music of the season. Yay for good book-making news, end of year lists, concerts with the family & time off.
My kicks this week:
1) The aforementioned coffee in bed with sleeping Daisy at my feet.
2) Finished Michelle Obama’s Becoming on audio. So good & now I miss hearing her voice on my long drive days.
3) Making time to have a HH meetup with a friend & then joining in some last minute Christmas shopping afterwards.
4) Wrapping presents while watching Christmas movies.
5) Time for a mani-pedi after a long day.
6) Finding this year’s location of the Portland Santa Clones & getting some great photos of them.
7) Daisy broke into the room where the Christmas presents are & ate 3 bags of yogurt covered dog treats meant for others. Luckily she did not get sick (she also did not get dinner that day) & now I know to move those presents out of any possible Daisy-access. Once I got over being mad at her & worried she would be sick, it was pretty funny.
7.5) I love seeing the Christmas lights everywhere & happy people in the holiday spirit.
Happy Holidays!
Good morning, Imps! Hello, Julie!
This begs the question: do you all prefer gloves or mittens? I prefer gloves.
Jules: Best of luck with your busy times! Enjoy your upcoming break!
Rachel: Enjoy the easy day. Hi Daisy! Glad that she’s okay.
My kicks:
1) Confirmations
2) Visits
3) Music
4) Individuals
5) Celebrations
6) Sunsets
7) Sights
Here I am!
Rachel, I’ll have to look up what Portland Santa Clones are. That is new to me. Michelle Obama’s book is on my Christmas wish list. I’m glad to hear you liked it. And thank goodness Daisy is okay!
LW: MITTENS for me! Love your happy, affirming kicks, as always.
Have a good week, you two!