7-Imp’s 7 Kicks #643:
Featuring The Fisherman & the Whale

I’m sending you to the Horn Book today. I reviewed Jessica Lanan’s The Fisherman & the Whale (Simon & Schuster, May 2019). If you’re so inclined to read it, the review is here at the Horn Book’s site. It’s a splendid wordless tale, this one.
Note for any new readers: 7-Imp’s 7 Kicks is a weekly meeting ground for taking some time to reflect on Seven(ish) Exceptionally Fabulous, Beautiful, Interesting, Hilarious, or Otherwise Positive Noteworthy Things from the past week, whether book-related or not, that happened to you. New kickers are always welcome.
1) Halfway marks.
2) I’m not at ALA Annual this weekend but have enjoyed reading about it on social media — especially the Coretta Scott King Book Awards celebration photos. It’s 50 years old this year. Here’s a great article about it.
3) Knowing that this tote bag exists in the world, even if I never got one.
4) This made me laugh very hard, and you will get this if you are watching Big Little Lies, season two:
Remember when Meryl Streep invented necklace acting? #BigLittleLies pic.twitter.com/wSRBWgPAdQ
— Jamie Jirak (@JamieCinematics) June 17, 2019
5) Fleabag.
6) This is a good piece about speaking up.
7) I watched the last episode of Broad City. There were tears. ABBI + ILANA FOREVER.
What are YOUR kicks this week?
Hello! What a gorgeous book!
Jules, I saw the first episode of Fleabag. A friend loves it. Now that I’m home, will watch again.
My kicks:
Twelve days of a road trip
Secret Canyon
Eastern Sierras
Grand Canyon
45th college reunion
Missed you all. Have a great week.
Love this book. Thanks for sharing your review too. SO thrilled about all the honoring of the Coretta Scott King awards and the great lady herself!
My Kicks:
1. picture books everywhere, new ones, favorites, beauties, and oldies-but goodies
2. preparations for 5 week trip home to New England with the Littles
3. trips down memory lane preparing for my dad’s memorial in Maine
4. my new teenager and runner boy is LOVING Ghost by Jason Reynolds (knew he would!). The rest of the series follows.
5. discovering new ways to recycle used clothes
6. new cell phone case that is clearly visible in my purse!
7. Watching Toy Story Movies with our Little to get ready for Toy Story 4!
Wishing all well!
Love the color illustration – the scale and the colors are gorgeous.
Jules – I have been loving BLL & was so happy to find out my suspicions about Meryl wearing fake teeth were correct! The acting is so so good. Glad you like Fleabg – I am IN AWE of Phoebe Waller-Bridge and her incredible talent. That piece about speaking up is amazing.
Jone – glad you had a great trip, loved seeing all your photos, glad you are safely home.
My kicks this week:
1) A guided wine tasting tour on horseback with my birthday month buddy for our birthdays. We do something fun together every year – and this was by far one of the best ones we’ve ever done. It was also a weekday, so it wound up being just us on the tour, so we got a private tour and felt extra special!
2) Raspberries are ripening, tomato plants are flowering, and now sweet banana peppers are ripe too. I love my garden.
3) Our legislature gutted a bill important to public defense (my line of work) but bright side is my reps care, and want to explain why. Its better than them not caring, and at least gives some hope for the future.
4) Homemade shrimp curry for dinner.
5) Morning coffee in the garden with Daisy.
6) The crazy intense Norway v Australia Women’s World Cup game. Bummed for Australia, happy it was such an incredible game to watch.
7) Rearranged the living room. Such a little thing, but it makes a difference in my happiness levels to shift things around and give it a different look and flow.
7.5) Daisy had her 2 month post-op checkup yesterday and vet says she is doing great. Still need a few more weeks of underwater treadmill therapy, but she is making great progress and getting muscle tone back. Very happy my sweet old lady velvet hippo is recovering so well.
Bonus kick – US Womens National team plays Spain tomorrow – excited to watch another good game, and hopefully see the USWNT advance to the quarter-finals.
Have a great week imps!
Allison – missed you in the postings – wishing you a safe and good trip back to New England with the Littles. Yay for your runner (and reader) and new ways to recycle, and of course yay for picture books.
Hi Imps! Hope you are all having a fantastic weekend!
Hello to Jessica and the whale (of a tale) I love the blue tones!
Jules: Yay for Giles! I would like to watch Fleabag.
Jone: That sounds like a cool trip!
Allison: Yay for a week filled with stories, and yay for recycling!
Rachel: Happy birth month! What a fun tradition. Hugs to your sweet doggo!
My kicks for the past week:
1) Shows
2) Words
3) Music
4) Offers
5) Scripts
6) Preparing
7) Prepared
Jone, that sounds like a kick-ass trip! You are doing retirement RIGHT.
Allison: Best wishes for the memorial. You know I love your first kick.
Rachel, how I love the phrase “sweet old lady velvet hippo.” Sorry about your third kick but glad you can see a silver lining. And HAPPY BIRTHDAY MONTH!
Little Willow: Your tweets make me happy. I love seeing you at work!
Have a good week, you all!
Aww, thanks, Jules! 🙂