I’ve a review over at BookPage of the mighty entertaining Kat Hats (Abrams, February 2022), written by Daniel Pinkwater and illustrated by Aaron Renier.
That review is here, and below are some of Renier’s gouache illustrations.
Two images above: Click either one to see spread in its entirety
“Neither is a Kat Hat a hat for humans to wear, which represents or resembles a cat. This would be delightful and also fashionable — but what Kat Hats Incorporated produces in the old Catworks in Pretzelburg are specially trained cats. It is a cat trainery.”
(Click spread to enlarge)
Two images above: Click either one to see spread in its entirety
“‘Let us serenade our brave Thermal Herman 6⅞ths, and also Thirdbeard and his mommy, Chickarina the witch,’ Matt Katz said. The Katz family took out their brand-new harmonicas. ‘The piece we will play is “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star” by
Mister Wolfgang A. Mozart. One, two, three, begin!'”
(Click spread to enlarge)
(Click cover to enlarge)
KAT HATS. Text © 2022 by Daniel Pinkwater. Illustrations © 2022 by Aaron Renier and reproduced by permission of the publisher, Abrams, New York.