All the Feelings Before Breakfast

illustrated by Hyewon Yum

— From Tina Oziewicz’s What Feelings Do When No One’s Looking,
illustrated by Aleksandra Zając and translated by Jennifer Croft
(Click spread to enlarge)
Over at BookPage, I had the pleasure of writing about Rachel Vail’s Sometimes I Grumblesquinch (Orchard, August 2022), illustrated by Hyewon Yum, and What Feelings Do When No One’s Looking (Elsewhere Editions, July 2022) from Polish author Tina Oziewicz. This import was translated by Jennifer Croft and illustrated by Aleksandra Zając.
Both of these picture books capture the complex interior lives of children. The feature is here, and below are some spreads from each book. (The spreads from Sometimes I Grumblesquinch are pictured without the text, but I do provide the text in the captions.)

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(Click spread, which is sans text, to enlarge)

(Click either image, sans text, to see spread in its entirety)

Maybe I ruined everything.”
(Click spread, which is sans text, to enlarge)

(Click spread, which is sans text, to enlarge)

SOMETIMES I GRUMBLESQUINCH. Text copyright © 2022 by Rachel Vail. Illustrations copyright © 2022 by Hyewon Yum and reproduced by permission of the publisher, Orchard Books, an imprint of Scholastic Inc., New York.
WHAT FEELINGS DO WHEN NO ONE’S LOOKING. Copyright for the text by Tina Oziewicz, 2020. Copyright for the illustrations by Aleksandra Zając, 2020. English language translation copyright © Jennifer Croft, 2021. Originally published as Co robiq uczucia? by Wydawnictwo Dwie Siostry, Warsaw, 2020. Illustrations reproduced by permission of Elsewhere Editions, Brooklyn.