Blogging for a Cure, Day 21

Okay, wow. Look at that snowflake.
As you know, a whole ton of bloggers are featuring some of this year’s snowflakes and their artists in this Blogging for the Cure effort, which is over half-way complete, for Robert’s Snow: for Cancer’s Cure. I committed to featuring each day’s schedule here at 7-Imp, and — since I can’t stand to post without images — I started posting pictures of older snowflakes. Then I started posting images of ’07 snowflakes that were not assigned to a blogger. But, the last time I checked, there weren’t any more not already featured or assigned to a blogger (if any illustrator out there reading this isn’t already assigned to a blogger and wants to send me your snowflake image, I’ll be happy to post it one day). So, now I’m back to posting images of older flakes, and I just stumbled upon this ’04 snowflake by Jane Yolen, which brought tears to my eyes. Here’s the note under the snowflake at the Robert’s Snow site:
Grace was sitting in Jane’s living room, meeting for the first time, and showing her the first dozen snowflakes. They had bonded immediately, and not just because they are children’s book people. Both their husbands were struggling with cancer, though 30+ years apart. Jane sighed. “I wish I could paint. I’d do you a snowflake in a heartbeat.” Grace smiled, “Write a poem. I’ll get someone to calligraph it.” And so it happened. Not in a heartbeat. Poems don’t happen quickly, but with plenty of heart.
I. love. that. Be still, my heart.
Below is today’s Robert’s Snow schedule.
- Joy Allen, featured by “MsMac” at Check It Out
- Robin Brickman, featured by Barbara O’Connor at Greetings from Nowhere
- Lauren Stringer, featured by Laura Purdie Salas at laurasalas
- Nancy Wallace, featured by Becky Bilby at In the Pages . . .
Did you see yesterday’s features? Paula Willey has a great intro to her feature of Susan Miller and her snowflake. And Elaine conducted a detailed interview with the very prolific illustrator Wendell Minor. All the posts were great. Don’t miss ’em.
Don’t forget this page with the master schedule of all the features thus far.
Addendum: The artist who did the calligraphy on that snowflake is Agy Wilson (she’s also an author and egg artist as well as an illustrator and calligrapher). You can read all about her here at Yellapalooza or see some of her artwork here.
Oh – a poignantly beautiful thing on so many levels. I am so glad that two fabulous artistic people know each other and were part of each other’s support network.
And I REALLY wish that was a snowflake from THIS year…
I know, TadMack. Sorry, dude. That’s the down side of showing these older, not-for-sale-anymore snowflakes, but I cannot post without images. It makes me want to scream. And this is SOOOOOO BEAUTIFUL. Very poignant, as you put it. Wowzers.
And this could be its own Poetry Friday entry, but when I saw it last night, I had to share it.
Oh that’s GORGEOUS!
Hi —
just wanted to mention the calligrapher of this gem: Agy Wilson. You can see a bit more of her work at
Thanks, Abigail!