Archive for January, 2007

Getting a bit caught up on reviews . . .

h1 Tuesday, January 2nd, 2007

james-browns-funky-christmas.jpgI’ve had a mental list of picture book titles that I want to talk about a bit, but the holidays have kept me from my reviews of them. But the egg nog’s gone, and the James Brown Christmas tunes have been — once again — put back into the stack of Christmas CDs. (God rest his kinetic soul, I might add. And it’s not related to book reviews, but in his honor and memory, I present to you the cover of this, the best holiday CD ever).

So, now that the holidays are over, let’s get right to it — some of the entertaining and for-one-reason-or-another wonderful fiction picture book titles of ’06 that I never got around to. Some of them have been highlighted and reviewed well on kidlitosphere blogs Eisha and I like to frequent, but I’d be all amiss if I didn’t mention them myself.

a-particular-cow.gifA Particular Cow by Mem Fox and illustrated by Terry Denton (published by Harcourt Children’s Books; September 2006) — This is a peculiar and quirky little title. But, hey, it works. There is, you see, a particular cow who goes for a particular walk. Usually, on her walks, nothing in particular happens. ‘Til today. The chaos begins when she ends up with a pair of bloomers on her head, bloomers that have fallen from a clothesline. Then, since she’s temporarily blinded, she stumbles into a mailman’s cart. Read the rest of this entry �

Shortlist Day — Woo Hoo!

h1 Monday, January 1st, 2007

cybils_medal2.jpgIt’s finally here! The shortlists for the Cybil Awards have been announced. Head on over to the Cybil site to find out the titles that made the shortlists in each category.

Eisha served on the nominating committee for the Poetry category, and yours truly read the over-one-hundred titles that were nominated in the Picture Book (Fiction) category. Oh twist twist my arm. The work was so onerous for me {insert biting sarcasm here. I loved every minute of it. If you can’t already tell from my picture-book-heavy posts on this here blawg, I’m a Picture Book Luvah}.

Thanks to Kelly at Big A little a and Anne at Book Buds for the very existence of the Cybils and all their work that got us to this point. Eisha and I both enjoyed our committee work and talkin’ titles with all our committee members. ‘Twas an honor.

Happy new year to all.