Visiting the Farm with Elisha Cooper

If I may say so myself, here’s dedication for you: I seem to have the rotten ‘ol stomach bug from which my husband suffered over the weekend. Since 90% of this post on Elisha Cooper’s brand-new picture book, Farm (to be released by Orchard Books in April), was already done before the unwelcome visitor arrived, I’m going to go ahead and post. Yes, it’s four a.m. (you know when you’re too sick to sleep properly?), and I sit here—barely vertical, since food is my sworn enemy right now—with my trusty laptop we’ll call…um…Trusty.
Now, I had planned for this introduction here to Elisha’s new book to be so eloquent and beautiful and pitch-perfect that you 7-Imp readers would say to yourselves, “Selves: Now, why in the big wide world won’t some professional review publication hire Jules to write for them?” It was going to be stupendous and awe-inspiring and leave you misty-eyed and perfectly nail this beautiful book.
No? Well, maybe one day.
For now, you’ll have to accept this humble introduction — and believe me when I say this picture book is worth your time. It is a detailed, intimate look at a contemporary farm, one that looks at modern family farms with a clear eye and with great reverence. It’s luminous is what it is. When I first got my review copy, I recall gasping lightly at that gorgeous cover. And spending about five minutes just taking in the colors and composition and all-around Elisha goodness. If the room weren’t spinning lightly, I’d do my usual bit in which I tell you what the professional reviewers have said about the book thus far, but you can hit a site like Barnes and Noble (my favorite for compiling reviews clearly in one spot, though supporters of independent bookstores should know I always link to IndieBound when I can).
the farm is not so quiet.”
(Click to enlarge spread.)