For the Holidays: Mother Goose and Beyond

h1 December 18th, 2007 by Eisha and Jules

Need some gift-giving ideas for the children and teens in your life? Well, you just know that you want to give them some poetry anthologies. And you need some advice on that, you say? Well, fret no more. We have another feature up at the Poetry Foundation, this one all about poetry anthology gift recommendations — ranging from audio collections to classics to contemporary anthologies — chosen from the Essential Children’s Collection at the Poetry Foundation’s site. Enjoy!

3 comments to “For the Holidays: Mother Goose and Beyond”

  1. Good work, ladies!

  2. Yay, John Ciardi!

  3. What a great list. I found myself looking for the “Buy All” button somewhere. Luckily for my wallet, there was none. Maybe I’ll just transfer all these titles to my library hold queue…

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