Seven Impossible Interviews Before Breakfast #71: Cloudscome at a wrung sponge
April 14th, 2008 by Eisha and JulesHere’s a suggestion for our readers out there, should they actually not already be reading a wrunge sponge, the blog of Andromeda “Andi” Jazmon (her pen name), or cloudscome (her blogger name): If you need a quiet moment of unassailable beauty in your hectic day, then you can find one over there, on any given day, at cloudscome’s blog. Most striking are her original haiku posts and her often-breathtaking photographs of moments-in-time, courtesy of Mother Nature.
However, at a wrung sponge, you’ll also get some experimental original poetry (in addition to her beloved haiku); some detailed thoughts on favorite books; suggested reading lists, most often on so-called multicultural titles, and library-trip reports; warm and inviting posts about her faith and adoption; and much more (including her participation in the Pay It Forward Book Exchange). Her blog’s template states, “I’m a librarian posting about multiculti kids’ books, poetry, knitting, my garden and gluten-free cooking,” but many of her posts, particularly her haiku posts, transcend the mundane and take you — if you give yourself a moment to go — to a place where you can see the extraordinary in the ordinary. For serious, it’s like this lovely gift to yourself to stop by a wrung sponge and see what Andi has noticed — and, likely, written about or snapped a photograph of — in her day (or — as William Carlos Williams put it once, which she quoted in a post — she “write{s} what is in front of {her} nose”). Here are but two examples of some of her photography, which she regularly shares at a wrung sponge:
Ah. Nice. We’ll let those photographs speak for themselves. Moving on . . .
If you missed this post about the origin of her blogger name, Andi explains, “I took my online name ‘cloudscome’ from one of my favorite haiku by the poet Basho” {pictured}:
Clouds come from time to time
Giving us a chance to rest
From looking at the moon.
“I named my book blog a wrung sponge,” Andi added, “because I was planning to write about what I am reading. I read all the time and soak everything up like a sponge. I thought the blog would be a place to wring it out. I try to write about three book reviews a week . . . Since I’m a computer teacher as well as a librarian, I sometimes write about that. I also love cooking and gardening, so that gets thrown into the mix.”
Fans of Andi’s blog know she adores Poetry Friday and always participates (lucky for us). “Writing haiku and posting it on my blog,” Andi said, “is an exercise that helps me look at the world, focus on beauty and put the smallest essentials into words. A couple times in the year (usually in the spring and fall), I have tried to spend a month writing at least one every day.” Just last Friday, “Cutting a Swath” — a collaborative crown sonnet written by Andi and a handful of other bloggers (Liz Garton Scanlon, TadMack, Kelly Fineman, Sara Lewis Holmes, Tricia Stohr-Hunt, and Laura Purdie Salas) — was unveiled in its entirety here at Liz’s blog. “I and six other blogging poets have been working on {this} as a group project all winter,” Andi explained. “It is so exciting for me to be part of this group! Having these fabulous poets challenge, encourage, stimulate and cheer as I trying to write a decent sonnet is what blogging is all about for me. I never would have thought I could hang with these remarkable poets — but here I am trying to keep up with them and having the time of my life!” {7-Imp will have more on this daring project later this week, ’cause we just can’t NOT ask all seven of them about this exciting venture.}
Andi also told us a bit more about her photography: “Another thing I really enjoy sharing on my blog is photography. I joined in Project 365 last year and I have carried it on this year. It’s a commitment to taking and posting at least one photo a day for the whole year. Anyone can join and there are lots of great blogs sharing fabulous photos. My photo blog is Sandy Cove 365+1.” Pictured below are two photos from that blog.
A big thanks to Andi/cloudscome for stopping by 7-Imp so that we can all get to know her a bit better (in the picture from last summer which opens this post, she’s on her porch swing, “one of my favorite places in the whole world,” holding her sleeping toddler, Punkin). We at 7-Imp also thank cloudscome for the little bit ‘o’ beauty her blog provides in otherwise hectic days. So, without further ado, here she is.
7-Imp: What do you do for a living?
Andi: I am a Library Media Specialist in a small independent elementary school.
7-Imp: How long have you been blogging?
Andi: My first blog was started June 2005. It was all about parenting, and I abandoned it after a few months. I started a wrung sponge, my book blog, March 9, 2006.
7-Imp: Why did you start blogging? Why do you continue to do it?
Andi: I started reading adoption blogs while in the process of adopting my third son. I got so much out of reading the experience of first parents, adoptees and other adopting parents, I got drawn into it. When I found book blogs, I knew I had come home. I blog to think about and remember what I’ve read and to improve and share my writing. I am fascinated by what other people think about and what they are reading and writing. It is such a dynamic and enriching experience!
7-Imp: Which blog or site would you take to the prom to show off and you love it so much you could marry it?
Andi: I am afraid I couldn’t pick just one! I’d rather go to a potluck picnic than the prom… and I’d like to find Jo(e), gawdess, Scrivener, Dawn, Los Angelista, Don Tate {pictured}, and everyone in my bloglines account there. Is that too many?
7-Imp: What are your other favorite things to do, other than reading and blogging?
Andi: Staring out the window, doing photography, and hanging out with my boys at the playground, walking in the woods, biking, cooking, quilting, or knitting.
7-Imp: What’s one thing that most people don’t know about you?
Andi: I have been teaching for 25 years. I started out teaching English for two years at Daqing Teacher’s College in Heilongjiang Province, China. I’ve been a librarian for the past eight years.
7-Imp: What’s in heavy rotation on your stereo/iPod lately?
Andi: Kirk Franklin, The McClurkin Project, Hezekiah Walker {pictured here}, Yolanda Adams, The Clark Sisters, CeCe Winans and other Black Gospel singers.
7-Imp: If you could have three (living) authors over for coffee or a glass of rich, red wine, whom would you choose?
Andi: Anne Lamott, Maya Angelou {pictured}, and Amy Tan.
7-Imp: What is your favorite word?
Andi: “C’mere.”
7-Imp: What is your least favorite word?
Andi: “Nausea.”
7-Imp: What turns you on creatively, spiritually or emotionally?
Andi: Beautiful images, green growing things, and anyone learning something new.
7-Imp: What turns you off?
Andi: People who talk too much.
7-Imp: What is your favorite curse word? (optional)
Andi: “Son of a bitch!”
7-Imp: What sound or noise do you love?
Andi: Children laughing, bird song, running brooks and the wind.
7-Imp: What sound or noise do you hate?
Andi: Whining or screeching.
7-Imp: What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?
Andi: Haiku Poet in Residence. (Benefits include a hermitage in a sunny forest glade and lots of solitude.)
7-Imp: What profession would you not like to do?
Andi: Anything in sales, management or school administration.
7-Imp: If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?
Andi: “Welcome home, my darling daughter! (((HUG)))”
Jules and Eisha this is so sweet of you! Being in one of your interviews is the highest honor. You’ve chosen links and photos with such care and attention. I am flattered beyond words! Today is my red letter day. Thank you dahlings!
by cloudscome April 14th, 2008 at 4:02 amWoohoo, Andi! I’m with you on the school administration thing. I just want to teach.
Thanks Jules and Eisha for this wonderful interview!
by Tricia April 14th, 2008 at 4:49 amHaiku Poet in Residence? Dang! What a great answer. And she’d be wonderful at it, too! Love the photos you chose, but it’s hard to choose at all, because they’re all so arresting. One of my favorites was that uncurling “ravenous” vine she posted not long ago.
Yay, Andi!
by Sara April 14th, 2008 at 5:34 amAndi, your answer to the favorite-word question is my new favorite.
by jules April 14th, 2008 at 6:57 amHow wonderful to learn more about cloudscome! I am in awe of her photography skills, and her haiku are such gems. Thanks, ladies!
by jama April 14th, 2008 at 7:55 amI think we should create the literary post of Haiku Poet in Residence. I nominate Andi. Do I hear any seconds?
I love visiting A Wrung Sponge. Looking at Andi’s beautiful photographs and reading her haiku can make a hectic day seem tranquil.
by Elaine Magliaro April 14th, 2008 at 8:08 amOh, ladies. Do you have to constantly out-do yourselves??? This is a lovely interview, Andi’s photos are spot-on (natch) and I can just see the administration scrambling to find the perfect green glade for that haiku poet in residence post right now…
by Liz in Ink April 14th, 2008 at 8:26 amSince today is the [unofficial] Blogger Appreciation Day, I wanted to say a quick “THANKS” for writing. I am reading and thinking about what you wrote.
Thank you for guest blogging at SLJ last week. Love the photos today.
by Diane Chen April 14th, 2008 at 9:00 amCloudsome, I think this is the first time I’ve seen you pictured — though I’ve seen the adorable little boy many times on your blog. Nice photo and it’s so nice to put a face with a….blog, and all your wonderful pictures and haikus.
by Don April 14th, 2008 at 10:05 amI liked seeing the photo of Cloudscome too.
And I’d definitely show up at that potluck picnic.
by jo(e) April 14th, 2008 at 1:33 pmThis is one of the best interviews of a blogger I’ve ever read. It’s fantastic and so nice to get to know more about Cloudscome! And I’m down for the picnic any time.
by Los Angelista April 14th, 2008 at 11:06 pmway to go, cloudscome! wonderful interview and feature! so cool!
by concretegodmother April 14th, 2008 at 11:43 pmAndi is great! It’s wonderful to read more about her here. Thanks Jules and Eisha!
by Kelly April 15th, 2008 at 7:06 amI’m late to the party, but wanted to say thanks for doing this — it’s funny, but all of a sudden I’ve gotten to ‘know’ a few bloggers better just from seeing what else they talk about other than kidlit books — the haiku and flowers definitely clued me in on the other sides of Andi — I’ve always loved her blog name, and I think her pen name is really cool, too!
by TadMack April 15th, 2008 at 8:24 amI love Cloudscome! Thanks for doing this interview, Jules and Eisha. The haiku paired with photographs is something else, eh?
by ALkeLda the GLeefuL April 15th, 2008 at 9:00 amThanks for another great interview, J&E. The pictures you chose are lovely (though of course you had a lot of great stuff to choose from).
Like Jules, I really liked your answer to the favorite word question, Andi. Very nice!
by Jen Robinson April 15th, 2008 at 12:42 pmGreat interview, y’all. I’m a longtime fan of Cloudscome’s blog.
by Susan T. April 15th, 2008 at 4:00 pmAnother great interview, ladies! a wrung sponge is one of my favorite blogs — indeed a great place to go for a quiet moment of poetry and photography…and lots more!
by Mary Lee April 16th, 2008 at 3:39 amNicely done. I’ve been a longtime supporter of Andi’s blog.
by MotherReader April 16th, 2008 at 1:01 pmYay, Andi! I love her photos and haiku. Thanks for another great interview.
by Vivian April 16th, 2008 at 7:27 pmIs it OK if I print these comments out and keep them under my pillow? You guys have given me a million hugs and I adore you all.
by cloudscome April 17th, 2008 at 3:43 amOkay, finally catching up on blogs after being sick…a photo of the elusive cloudscome–thank you to J&E for allowing us to get to know another of our fellow bloggers. As for not liking whining or screeching…Andi, I hope that you’re not suffering too much of that, but with a toddler in the house…! 🙂
by a. fortis April 19th, 2008 at 11:23 pm