7-Imp’s 7 Kicks #87: Featuring Up-and-Coming Illustrator, Candace Trew Camling

Jules: Welcome to our weekly meeting ground for taking some time to reflect on Seven(ish) Exceptionally Fabulous, Beautiful, Interesting, Hilarious, or Otherwise Positive Noteworthy Things from the past week—whether book-related or not—that happened to you.
It’s the first Sunday of the month when we feature a student or newly-graduated illustrator, and today we welcome Candace Trew Camling, who graduated last year from Kendall College of Art and Design in Grand Rapids, Michigan, with a BFA in illustration. Candace now lives in Des Moines, Iowa, with her husband where she works as a freelance illustrator. Pinwheel Illustration & Design is her freelance business. “I work from a home studio, which is really a converted bedroom,” she told me. “I’m lucky to have the support of my husband and family, who seem to understand my need to create art better than I do sometimes.”
Candace—who generally works with oil, graphite, ink or works digitally—also tells me that she is working on “about three sizable projects that are involved with illustrating for children…I have also done quite a bit of plush design for a company here in Iowa. It is a lot of fun, and interesting to learn the process of product design. I think my ultimate dream is to illustrate books for children and always have a steady amount of work…who can’t say that really? It is the best feeling to have someone seek you out, specifically because they like what you create with your imagination and some art supplies.”
Pictured above is Candace’s “Fall,” and below are a couple more of her illustrations. We’ll open with an illustration of Bo Peep, which Candace is unveiling to the world today (I believe), followed by Mother Goose. Candace’s work is very sweet and soft, don’t you think? Not to mention colorful. Methinks she should illustrate her own nursery rhyme anthology. Thanks to Candace for stopping by this morning!
1* A while ago, the RMC (where I work) acquired an archival hip-hop collection documenting the beginning of the genre: records, performance flyers, clothing, and photographs by Joe Conzo (like the one to the left). I actually saw them cataloging some of it when I went for my job interview. Anyway, this past weekend Cornell held a conference on the history of hip-hop, based around the collection. For the past couple of weeks I’ve had the pleasure of looking at Conzo’s photographs of the Cold Crush Brothers and Tony Tone displayed in our lobby next to the Gettysburg Address. It’s odd, seeing one’s childhood become history. But at the same time I’m thrilled (as usual) that my job is so cool.
2* On Friday I got to attend part of the conference – a panel discussion between some of the founders: Afrika Bambaataa, Grandmaster Caz, Grandwizzard Theodore, Roxanne Shante, Popmaster Fabel, Tony Tone, Pebblee Poo, Disco Wiz, and Joe Conzo. It was fascinating, and awe-inspiring, to hear their stories. Did you realize those guys typically built their own sound systems out of spare parts? Do you think, say, Bow Wow knows how to build a speaker? Betcha not.
3* Afterwards I was going to go to their performance, but when I came home for dinner my friends and neighbors were sitting on the steps of our apartment building giving out candy to trick-or-treaters, and it was such a crazy cute parade I just had to stick around and help out.
4* Those same neighbors threw their annual Zombie Prom on Saturday night. It was fabulous. The husband and I went as Jack the Ripper and one of his victims, and our hosts were steampunk zombie hunters. I may never get the fake blood stain off my neck, but it was fun. There were supremely delicious red velvet cupcakes too.
5* Jules’s picture of Princess Piper, below.
6* I’ve been very remiss, in that I haven’t mentioned a very funny and sweet just-because card I got from Jules a couple of weeks ago, plus two excellent cards from my mom. The latest one has my favorite Douglas Adams quote ever: “I love deadlines. I love the wooshing sound they make as they fly by.” Thanks, ya’ll, for cracking me up, and for keeping the art of snail mail alive.
7* I got a travel guide for South Korea, and apparently it IS possible to get vegetarian food there, despite what my husband said when he got back. I was kind of worried there for a bit.
Bonus kick: my neighbors had a jack-o-lantern with a smiley face. Under the smile it said “Ooooobama!”
That’s all I got. How ’bout you, Jules?
Eisha, your job gets COOLER EVERY DAY. Seriously, dude.
1). Okay, so when I started blogging, I said I wouldn’t post pics of my children, but I kinda have already posted a few here, a few there (on Sundays), and there’s really no going back. I do hope to avoid posting them all the dang time, annoying readers, overwhelming people with cuteness (not to mention your children are never as cute to others as they are to you, with the exception of the grandparents). Anyway, having said that, I HAVE TO share this picture. It’s my favorite kick of the week.
My oldest dressed up as a princess for Halloween (she was Princess Piper, don’t you know?). At her Parents’ Day Out, they took a pic of each child. When she came home with this in a hand-made frame and handed it to me, it single-handedly made me laugh outloud and tear up. She’s a very sweet, sensitive, sometimes shy girl, but dress her up as a princess, and see what happens? Look at those hands. You just better bow down to her, huh? At least I think she’s approachable royalty.
2). I voted on Monday!
3). I saw my grandmother this week, who is about to turn 97-years-old. She forgot who I was a good while ago, but it’s good to see her.
4). My youngest daughter is named Ada, due to my great and abiding love for the novel Cold Mountain, and we were in the same room with an Inman the other day! This kinda blew my mind, and I figured we should act out the story, but then, these are just three-year-olds, so that’d just be wrong.
5). This video of Sherman Alexie on The Colbert Report. Thanks to Elaine for the link.
6). We made Laurel Snyder’s top-ten list for the “Top 10 Children’s Literature (Kidlit) Blogs” over at www.blogs.com. Aw, shucks. Really. Thanks, Laurel.
7). We watched this this week with our girls. With popcorn and hot choc-
olate. Mmm.
BONUS kick: I finally got my library copy of Sergio Ruzzier’s Amandina. Bless my soul, I got all teary-eyed on the “the theater was empty: nobody had come” page. I had to gather myself together to keep reading to my four-year-old, who was also getting a little verklempt. I also finally got my copy of The Little Matador, from which Julian Hector had already shared some illustrations back in September. Move over, Ferdinand.
Two quick announcements:
- Go here to help the Ezra Jack Keats Foundation gather signatures to send to the U.S. Postage Stamp Citizen’s Advisory Committee. The Foundation wants to let the Citizen’s Advisory Committee know how welcome an Ezra Jack Keat’s Snowy Day stamp would be to families and educators across the country. As their press release puts it, “this book is not just an American classic beloved by generations of children and parents around the world; it is also the book that broke the color barrier in mainstream American children’s book publishing.” Word. I signed my name. Will you? Read TadMack’s post about it (or Tricia’s, which is where TadMack got her info).
- There is an organized book donation effort going on to honor Jacob Aaron Snow, the son of Amanda, the blogger over at A Patchwork of Books. Jacob lost his fight for life after four months of age, which is terribly, terribly sad. Charlotte over at Charlotte’s Library has organized this effort with help from author/illustrator Katie Davis. Read here for more information.
What are your kicks this week?
Since I’m working on the computer ridiculously late Saturday night, I thought I’d get my kicks in early. I like the joy of Candace’s kite picture. Eisha, a zombie prom sounds way fun. And Jules, Princess Piper is beautiful. Look at that lifted chin! And congrats to both of you on making Laurel’s top 10 list. It was great to see you there. OK, and it was nice to be there, too, on Laurel’s list. That’s really my first kick. Along with a couple of other lovely mentions this week. But I already blogged about them, so I’m not going to be so egotistical as to mention them again here. Moving on, here are four more kicks:
1. My best friend sent me the cutest little elephant statue you’ve ever seen. It arrived at about 6:30 on Halloween night, so it was kind of like a reverse trick-or-treat. And she’s on Facebook now, so it’s like a bonus kick.
2. It’s finally been feeling fall-like here, and raining even (I realize that wouldn’t be a kick everywhere, but we can really use the rain).
3. Last weekend we went to the wedding of two amazing friends down in LA. They’ve two guys who have been together for about 18 years, and we’ve known them that whole time, so it was extra-special to see them finally able to get married. And, not to get political about something that was a personal, joyful celebration, but it was also a living, breathing example of why I voted no on prop 8.
4. At the wedding, we got to see a couple of other friends who I hadn’t seen in about 10 years, and we still connected like it had been much more recent. Such a gift! Plus we made new friends, too.
Happy Sunday, all!
Thanks for announcing Jacob’s Books!
The main thing I am happy about this week is that I have survivied running another library book sale, and now get to read read read for the Cybils!
My kicks this week?
1. Finishing a middle grade novel.
2. Working in the Northampton Obama office.
3. Going to a Western Mass Illustrators’ Group meeting (google WMIG and Be Impressed) at the major spooky home of Ralph Masiello.
Adroable! That is the word for those illustrations. Eisha, what a cool conference to attend. I love getting ready for trips, the books you can read and the planning. Too much fun.
Jules:My word, cute baby girl! I understnd being conflicted about publishing the photos but I am so glad you did. (My babies are featured at Deowriter right now).
My kicks:
1. It is November! I love November, pies, cozying into the interior patio: the living room.
2. The rain that came with November. “Cept iit is rather warm for a fire today.
3. Getting photo greeting cards ready for my first bazaar next week.
4. Trick or treating with the grandkids.
5. Appliances have arrives and they are fabulous.
6. I have yet to post this at Check It Out but my fiction shelves got an “Extremem Make Over” and they loook great.
7. Attended the Bead Bazaar yesterday with friends. Spent way too much money.
Have a great week.
Happy Sunday!
Thanks for introducing us to Candace’s work. Love those ducklings! Right now, I’m bowing to Princess Piper. Such a regal stance — she’s definitely blue blooded. And the hands! So classic!
Eisha, just the guest list of the conference was a trip to read. So cool. And yes, Koreans are meat lovers — but they also like a lot of veggie side dishes. Look for mung bean cakes and kuksoo (noodles). Do you like spicy?
I had a very kicky week!
1. It began with a be-brave moment. My CD-ROM stopped working, and I knew if I called the tech guy, he’d make me open the tower and fiddle with wires. I basically have FMT (fear of mechanical things), but I called anyway, and we fixed it together. He was so patient, and more relieved than I was, probably.
2. I taught myself a little more HTML.
3. For Halloween, the neighbor kids usually all get together and trick-or-treat as one group, so people don’t have to keep answering the door all night. This year, we were sure no one was coming at all (at about 9 p.m.), when the doorbell rang, and there was everybody — they had ridden up in a makeshift hay wagon! A party on wheels! So fun.
4. Saw Mr. Pampano (long lost possum) and Chipper, sniffing around our pumpkin carcasses.
5. Saw “Iron Man,” after reading all the raves here a couple weeks ago, and “Ballet Shoes.” Loved both. Now want to reread all the Noel Streatfeild books.
6. My SIL is coming from NH in a couple weeks to surprise my husband for his birthday!
And my biggest, brightest, kickiest kick of all — *drum roll, please* —
7. I’m going to see Dylan perform in NYC for my birthday!! We were thinking of going there to see a Broadway show, but couldn’t get tickets to any of the shows we wanted. But just a couple days ago, the Dylan website announced a special performance for website readers only. It was fate, I tell you, fate! At first, I thought there was no hope. I couldn’t connect to the site for at least 40 minutes — then, one click, and I suddenly snatched up two seats in the third row! Eeee! Seconds later, everything was sold out. So I got in there just in time. I love NYC!
Oh, and just one more big kick — the election on Tuesday!! History is being made, and we all get to be a part of it!
Hey, I’m in the single digits this week! Usually by the time I show up, you have had 20 people checking in. Eisha, that zombie prom sounds like it was a lot of fun– wait until Adrienne finds out. And Jules, I think it’s fine to post photos of your children when they’re just so lovely… okay, that’s like saying, “I don’t believe in nepotism unless it’s my own family,” but still. Princess Piper rocks.
My kicks:
1) I had a good gig at the Key Center library yesterday. It’s a small town (23 thousand,which is larger than Yellowknife, the capital of the Northwest Territories, where my husband grew up). The locals at the diner where we ate actually talked to us, which was great. Our daughter is the best PR person for two shy parents.
2) Hank and John Green at the Downtown Seattle Public Library on Tuesday night.
3) Sam Phillips at the Triple Door on Monday night.
4) My daughter dressed up as a flapper girl for Halloween, and cheerfully donated her candy loot to the Halloween fairy in exchange for a sparkly tiara. The Halloween fairy is a colleague of the tooth fairy, by the way. My mom asked, “So, what did the Halloween fairy get besides a stomachache?”
5) Seeing Jane Yolen comment on your blog is always a kick.
6) I wore my bronze wedding tiara as part of my Goth Fairy Queen costume. And hey, wearing a costume for the first time since I left New York was a kick, too.
7) Somewhere in my near future is the first cup of coffee for the day. By the way, I gave both John and Hank “Nerdfighters Coffee.” I don’t know if they drink it, but I figured that Katherine and the Yeti would appreciate it at least.
That little girl in the “Fall” picture looks like so much fun. She deserves a book.
Eisha, Fake blood stains are socially acceptable for at least the first two weeks of November.
Jules, Oh, it’s so fun to watch the Great Pumpkin with kids. Princess Piper is amazing. I have GOT to dress up as a princess next year for Halloween.
Alkelda, It sounds like you had kind of an amazing week. Woo hoo, you!
My kicks are quick this week. Between my co-children’s-librarian having knee surgery on Monday and needing to finish all my materials for my winter homeschooling workshops and Halloween, I was BUSY–but I’m managing and getting things done and even having fun, so I’m way proud of myself. That can be kicks 1-7, right? Because I’m just noticing that it’s time to run off to yoga class. What happened to my extra hour?
Jen, yes, the tilted chin and the clasped hands and the regal stance, as Jama put it. It’s all too much. It slays me. …I saw your Facebook pics of that lovely wedding, and it all looked like so much fun.
Charlotte, what a beautiful thing you’re doing for Amanda in memory of her son….Have fun reading your Cybils titles.
Jane, congrats on finishing your novel.
Jone, what were your granddaughters this year for Halloween? I agree that November rocks.
Jama, congrats on conquering your FMT and knowing when to get help….I’ve not heard of “Ballet Shoes” but must look into it. We finally saw “King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters.” Wild.
And CONGRATS on your Dylan tickets and upcoming birthday. WHEN IS IT?! Third row? Those are great seats. I’m working on an interview w/illustrator Paul Rogers, and he talks a bit about working with Dylan for the Forever Young picture book, which I know you’ve seen.
Also: I’m psyched about election night, too.
Alkelda, congrats on a good gig and what sounds like a really excellent week. Was your cup of coffee everything you thought it’d be?
Adrienne, when are the workshops again? I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: They’re in good hands.
P.S. Adrienne, I agree that the girl with the kite is screamin’ for a story to go with her.
Jules, One was Minnie Mouse and the other a buttlefly, her sister wasa pink burrito. You can see here: http://deowriter.wordpress.com/2008/11/02/one-single-impression-disguise-halloween-edition/
Jama,we just watched Ironman last night! How funny! Uh, I could watch it again…love RD, Jr.!
Eisha, I want your neighbours, zombie prom sounds very cool.
Jules, how can you help but share the pictures when your kids are so cute? It’s totally not your fault. Also, when you say you haven’t heard of Ballet Shoes, are you talking about the movie? You have heard of the book, right? If not, you’re lucky as there’s heaps of great Streatfeild books to read!
Jen, that’s great your friends were able to get married!
Alkelda, are John and Hank as fun in person as in their vlogs?
1. Last weekend we went to York and had a great time strolling around the streets and walls
2. Flights to Australia for a holiday/sister’s wedding for February booked!
3. Last night we went to an early bonfire party. Although it was raining so much we had no fire and watched the fireworks in the nearby airfield from the shelter of umbrellas it was a fun night!
4. I went to Wales for work and got to see a blanket bog
5. I finally got around to planting all of the bulbs. There is a large assortment of random ones from last year so most pots will be a surprise next year!
6. The breadmaker has been great, and has contributed towards lots of yummy and healthy lunches.
7. And speaking of the breadmaker, a loaf of onion bread is baking right now, ready to eat with some potato and leek soup I’m planning to make for dinner.
Welcome, Candace! Nice to meet you. What cute, cute picture-book-worthy (or nursery-worthy!) illustrations.
eisha: I agree: “It’s odd, seeing one’s childhood become history.” I wore my pink sparkly L.A. Gear sneakers on Halloween. The kids had never heard of L.A. Gear. I tease them whenever I’m wearing something that is older than they are – that is from my childhood or teendom, that is, as I also wear plenty of vintage items that are older than me. (I love my hand-me-downs!) So many of the books (especially series) I checked out of the public library time and time again as a kid are out of print and not available in libraries any longer, let alone bookstores. I’m rambling now. In a roundabout way, I’m trying to say that it’s weird to read books and or see movies based in my childhood decade and realize they are “historical fiction.” Meanwhile, your job continues to sound cool. Snail mail rocks.
Jules: All Hail Princess Piper! Thanks for sharing. YAY for voting early and often. Hugs to and for your grandma. I didn’t know what inspired your munchkin’s name. Yay for the Great Pumpkin! I love Ferdinand. I also love Lambert the Sheepish Lion. I am passing the links for Ezra/stamps and Jacob to friends.
Jen: Enjoy the rain and the fall. Congrats to your newly married friends!
Jane: Congratulations on finishing your next novel!
Jone: May you and yours enjoy the new month.
Jama: Woo hoo for overcoming your fear, making the call, and getting it fixed! I’m still saving the new Ballet Shoes film for a rainy day. I’m glad to hear it’s good. I love the book.
I like how many Js fell in a row, don’t you? 🙂
Alkelda: Kudos on your gig! Tiaras are way better than candy. Hurrah for the flapper and the fairy.
Adrienne: May she recover fully and quickly. Have fun at yoga!
emmaco: Mmmm, bread.
My kicks:
1. Being a squeaky wheel (tenacity ROCKS!)
2. Following up, even when others don’t or won’t
3. Getting a major audition
4. Having fun on that audition
5. Knowing what’s truly worthwhile
6. Wearing sparkly wings AND a petticoat (thereby ensuring my skirt passed the spin test)
7. Believing
Jen, congrats to your friends – may they live happily ever after. And congrats to you for all your well-deserved blog acclaim that you’re too modest to list here.
Charlotte – congrats. I don’t know about yours, but the library book sales here in Ithaca are a huge enterprise, and I can only imagine how much work goes into it.
Jane, I saw Ralph Masiello speak once – actually, he gave us a drawing lesson – and he’s a hoot. I bet that was a fabulous meeting indeed.
Jone – your grandgirls are adorable, especially the pink burrito.
Jama – DYLAN!!! Oooh, that is awesome. You are totally my hero for opening up the tower – that’s where I draw the line in my own modest attempts at repair. And I lo-o-o-oved the Streatfield books as a kid, so was scared to see the movie. How did it compare?
Alkelda, a flapper? Sounds like the perfect costume for your little dancing party girl. And I am still so jealous of you seeing both of the Green brothers that I can barely stand it.
adrienne, that’s good news about the blood stains, because two showers later it’s still there. Congrats on keeping all those balls in the air.
emmaco, onion bread and potato leek soup sounds like the perfect meal. And the thing I love about your kicks every week is that you always mention some animal or plant or place that I’ve never heard of before, and so like a good librarian I have to look it up, and then I learn all kinds of new stuff. This week it was “blanket bog.”
Jone, adorable-ness. And I like Tired Librarian myself. I could do that.
emmaco, mmm. You eat well…. I also had to look up blanket bog. Oh, and no, I’ve never heard of the book Ballet Shoes either. Is this one of those embarrassing librarian moments, like the fact that I haven’t read Little Women or Anna Karenina yet?
Little Willow, congrats on your major audition. I hope it brings major results.
Thanks, Jules!
Those drawings definitely look like they need stories to belong too!
Jules – Princess Piper is awesome!
I’ll get right to my kicks as its late and been a very long week.
1. Handing out candy to the neighborhood kids on Halloween.
2. Going to a Halloween dinner at friends’ who went CRAZY with their decorations – including scary sounds and a remote mike to a hanging head – and handing out more candy there. (And the group of kids who ran screaming off the porch when the head started talking to them!)
3. Watching An American Werewolf in London.
4. Finishing Stephanie Meyer’s “Eclipse”. One more book to go.
5. Planning a January trip to a beach.
6. Making red beans and rice for the bf on a rainy, cold Saturday.
7. The Election Party we are going to on Tuesday. (Technically it hasn’t happened yet, but all this anticipation for Tuesday is making me nuts!)
Have a great week!
Jules no need to be embarrassed, Ballet Shoes is no Little Women. I don’t even know how easy it is to get Streatfeild’s books in the US seeing as they’re fairly old (although they’re mentioned in the movie You’ve got mail as children’s classics so I guess they are?). They’re great for kids who like acting/dancing books.
(I haven’t read Anna Karenina yet! I keep thinking I’ll find a cheap second hand copy and get around to it but never have! Oh the shame)
PS as a wetland geek I am happy more people now know what a blanket bog is 🙂
Forgot to add my congratulations to 7-Imp and Jen Robinson for making the 10 Best Blogs List!!Cream of the crop!
Jules, my birthday is 11-20, Dylan’s on 11-21. Do you remember the part in “You’ve Got Mail,” when Meg Ryan goes to the Fox Bookstore kids section and helps the salesperson, who didn’t know about the Streatfeild books? “The Shoe books. There’s Ballet Shoes, Dancing Shoes, and Theatre Shoes. I would start with Ballet Shoes.” That made me read the books again right there!
Eisha, the movie was sweet. I love anything set in London. Emma Watson did a nice job as Pauline. The DVD has a nice long interview with her (special feature). I could listen to her accent all day.
LW, loved all those J’s, and keeping my fingers crossed about your audition :)!
RM, was that hanging head with the mic in it (brilliant) hanging on the porch? You watching “An American Werewolf” in London just reminded me that I never watched “The Curse of the Were-Rabbit” with my daughters. D’oh.
An election party sounds fun. Have a blast!
Emmaco, let’s read Anna Karenina together.
Jama, I don’t know if I’ve ever seen “You’ve Got Mail”….But remember, you’re talking to someone who has never seen some pop culture standards, like “Ghostbusters.” I’m pathetic sometimes.
Happy early birthday!
Yes, I see that now you must rent “You’ve Got Mail.” You will love it. Who can resist a story about an indie children’s bookstore facing its demise because of an evil chain bookstore?
And Emma is right. Streatfeild is not in the same class as Alcott, but her books are fun reads, good for nostalgia buffs.
I got to meet Princess Piper at the halloween party last week, and she looked just as adorable as the picture suggests.
emmaco – one thing I really miss about living in England is Bonfire Night. That’s when winter truly beginns (probably because it’s always bloody freezing when you are standing around waiting for the fireworks to blast off).
I’m late with my kicks again, but I have a good excuse (see #1).
My kicks this week:
1 – our computer is very nearly almost dead. We get 5 minutes of screen time before the blue screen of death appears. Why is this a kick? Well, I am feeling remarkably zen about the situation. I stare at a computer for several hours a day, so why do I need to stare at another one at home? Also, we are going old school (ha ha) and saving up for a fancy laptop, so next year, I will be hopefully raving about how awesome Macs are.
2 – the boys are back!! Both my husband and 4 year old are back at home after spending the week away. It’s so nice to have the family all together again.
3 – I spent all weekend cooking and it was so relaxing. I made pizza roll-ups (with homemade pizza dough), choc-chip cookies, bolognese sauce and chicken pot pies. All very yummy.
4 – The Tennessee Titans are 8-0!!!
5 – I have finally come up with a budget that allows for building up our savings, and pay down our credit card debt, even while making several major purchases over the next year. Suze Orman has nothing on me.
6 – I just found out that a former coworker from when I worked in study abroad at the University of Tennessee is pregnant. She and her husband are two of my most favorite people in the whole world (with the most beautiful smiles I have ever seen), and they will be fabulous parents.
7 – John McCain on SNL. That’s the John McCain I like, and miss greatly (although I am far from being a Republican and really, really, really want Obama to win). It’s too bad he had to stop being John McCain during this election.
Hi, Zoe! That’s great news for your Friends With the Great Smiles, and DO TELL how you managed that fiscal brilliance. Well, okay, so you may not want to divulge here, but if you can give general tips, that’d be great. We can’t seem to figure out the doing-better-on-savings part ourselves, though I think we do okay with the rest.
Sorry about your computer, but I think a laptop will be great (I want one myself, and Eisha raves about her new Mac laptop.)
I realize calling it a “Mac laptop” probably shows my igorance w/Macs. What are they, MacNotebooks or some kind of name? MacBooks? McGriddles? McNuggets with cheese? Is anyone even reading? If a blogger blogs at the end of a thread in the forest and no one reads, does she make a sound?
Jama: Thanks! I think Seven-I has seven Js. 😉 I love that scene in You’ve Got Mail.
rm: There’s a big buzz buzz buzz of anticipation in the air today. I like it! Have a great and safe party.
emmaco: I got to carry around Anna Karenina on stage earlier this year. It was hilarious how everyone I knew assumed/expected I had read it, while I actually haven’t yet!
Zoë: Enjoy the food and the reunion – not in that order!
Jules: Thump!
Little Willow, the combination of sparkly shoes AND a petticoat cannot be beat. And squeaky wheels unite!
rm preston, I haven’t seen An American Werewolf in London in years. How does it hold up?
emmaco and jules, I found the Streatfield books as a kid, but it was during the period when I was heavy into ballet AND girly old-fashioned fiction so it was right up my alley. Jules, you may never have had that phase. Also, I think you’d better rent Ghostbusters right away, so you’ll know why people say things like “I am the Key Master. Are you the Gate Keeper?” And “It’s the Sta-Puft Marshmallow Man!”
Zoe, I know what you mean. I remember seeing McCain on SNL years ago and thinking “Damn, if it had to be a Republican, why couldn’t it have been him?” He really has changed… or maybe I just didn’t know him well enough.
Jules, you can totally say Mac laptop. Technically, I’ve got a MacBook, but that’s sort of like saying “I’ve got an Echo” instead of saying “I’ve got a Toyota.” Same thing, just more specific.
eisha, have you seen that ad for the new Jack Black movie where he and some other guy, whose name i can’t remember right now, act out “Ghostbusters” and a whole slew of other movies? i haven’t even seen “Ghostbusters,” yet it still made me laugh (and sometimes with Jack Black that laughing bit comes and goes for me…..but, i dunno, the trailer intrigues)….