Two Things: Rock Obamo and the 7-Imp Mad Tea Party

Jules: Yes, Rock Obamo. This is what my four-year-old daughter calls him.
Because Eisha and I are so excited about today’s inauguration, we’re sharing this song, which is by Maddy Wyatt, whom Eisha says she actually kinda knows:
Also, not appropos to that at all…7-Imp has a new mad-tea-party image, all thanks to author and cartoonist Ray Friesen, whom we featured Sunday at our kicks post. And we’d simply like to share it with you. He created this just for our blog, and he even put me and Eisha AT THE TABLE with Alice, the Hatter, the March Hare, and the Dormouse! I could even argue that I’m drinking coffee there at this tea party. (Right? Right. Let’s just pretend anyway.)
Ray was trying very hard to finish it for Sunday’s post, but he sent it after we had already posted. He also said he intended to fully color it, too, but time just slipped away from him (hey, he was having way too much fun at a book-signing, including free cartooning classes for kids, which is way more important than an image for our blog anyway, I’m sure you’d agree). But you know what? We like that coloring.
In the book, Alice might think it’s the stupidest tea-party she ever was at in all her life, but we love this cartoon so much. I believe Eisha’s words when she saw it were: “We’ve been cartoonified by a professional! Into an Alice tea party! I think I can die happy now.” We plan to add it to the header of one of our site’s pages, such as we’ve done here and here previously with those mad-tea-party images.
We thank Ray heartily.
Happy Inauguration Day!
“Rock Obama.”
That pretty well says T-Shirt to me.
Happy Inauguration Day!
PS — could that Alice pic you’re in BE any more cute!? I love Alice’s expression of total irritation! And Eisha and yours of “Hey, cool! Coffee!”
That cartoon’s just beyond cool. Ray has captured both of you so well! Love the Hawaiian words in Maddy’s song!!
Jama, I knew you’d like that!
TadMack: Yeah, that cartoon is great. (I think Alice is drumming her fingers on the table, no?) Eisha and Jules just seem to be groupies who’ve woken up to find themselves on stage. And — er, don’t read anything unpleasant into this, I mean it nicely even though I’m going to hate myself as soon as I click the Submit Comment button — I’ve seen similar “Oh WOW this is cool what are we gonna do NEXT?!?” looks on the faces of golden retrievers. 🙂
About the day, I worry (probably overmuch) about seeming too, y’know, pat-ourselves-on-the-back. But darn, I can’t help grinning. (“Oh WOW this is COOL what’re we gonna do next…?!”)
I am out-of-my-mind deliriously happy today, in a guarded sort of way (the last 8 years have taken their toll). Interrupting myself to say how are Perlman and Ma playing stringed instruments out of doors in this cold??
Love the Rock Obamo name. And the cartoon. And, well, pretty much everything in the world today.
Love the “mad-tea-party” image.
Happy Inauguration Day!
Here’s the URL of my THERE’S NO ONE AS IRISH AS BARACK OBAMA post. A friend sent me a link to the video of the song I posted. I also have excerpts from the lyrics. I think you’ll enjoy the song.
Love, love, love the tea party picture – it looks like you are having a lot of fun.
During the campaign, Cy used to call the President, “The Rock Obama” which also made me giggle. What is even funnier is that he is convinced that John McCain is moving into the “big white house” too. Wouldn’t that be interesting?
I think maybe the only way Barack Obama could be cooler is if he were secretly also The Rock. Good call, Cy.
JES, not offended at all – I know exactly the look you mean and I think that’s pretty much what’s going on with us up there at that party.
Elaine, I love how EVERYONE is claiming Obama as their own. He’s a walking melting-pot.
Jama, do you know what the lyrics say? Help us out!
Oh mercy. Rock Obamo indeed.
What a time to be alive…
I’m just catching up on blogs now that I’m home from my trip…AND YOU AND EISHA BECAME CARTOONS!!! How cool is that? Question, though: is the rabbit drinking tea directly out of the pot, or is he blowing bubbles into the pot? Looks like it could be either.
Good question, Adrienne. I assumed he is drinking out of that pot, but good point — he could be blowing bubbles. O! The possibilies! (I’m still squeal-y over being cartoonified!)
Great new tea party image. Kudos, Ray!
Obama does ROCK, so that’s a fitting nickname. 🙂