I, For One, Am a Book Nerd Every Weekend

h1 August 23rd, 2010 by jules

I posted this yesterday at the blog, but it was at the very bottom of the post, so here again, in the name of shouting about a wonderful thing, is an early flyer for Nashville’s upcoming Southern Festival of Books, an annual three-day literary festival hosted every October by Humanities Tennessee. Check out the line-up, and that’s not even all the children’s and YA authors that will be in attendance. Whether you live in the South or not, consider a visit to Nashville in October. (I’m on a committee this year to help out with the children’s and YA author visits and events, yet I’ll be out of town for the actual festival. HORREURS! I’ll miss Mo and Jon and Kerry and Sara and Tom and everyone else, but it’s still fun to help prep.)

MID-MORNING ADDENDUM: Please note! Woot! (It’s particularly painful that I’m going to miss the screening of this film, but I can wait patiently.)

LATE-MORNING ADDENDUM, BUT I’M PROBABLY JUST TALKING TO MYSELF: I do get to see this documentary on that Sunday. Woo and hoo! Who’s gonna join me?

3 comments to “I, For One, Am a Book Nerd Every Weekend”

  1. Yeah, I was cracking up at that –! For one weekend? Um, no. I’m a booknerd pretty much on weekdays, too.

  2. Drool. I’m so tempted to go there. What is it like? Tents outside? ARCs available? Lectures? Details please.

  3. Tanita, you and me both!

    Hi, Betty! There are some tents outside for children’s events (storytellers, performers, etc.), but most years the authors and illustrators speak inside War Memorial. There are not ARCs availalble, but they sell TONS of books, the ones written and/or illustrated by the folks in attendance, and authors and illustrators sign books after each session. There are also tons of book vendors, publishers, etc. who set up outside of War Memorial. It’s good fun every year!

    The Library of the Early Mind will also screen at this year’s Festival!

    Betty, if you want a PDF of this image to pass out to other folks at TSD, let me know! I can email it to you.

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