7-Imp’s 7 Kicks #195: Featuring Fr-a-a-a-n-k W. Dormer

Meet Socksquatch, the orange creature on the right . . .
He’s finally located a sock. He’s been lurching around and searching for one, you see, in an October release from Henry Holt and Company, Socksquatch, by elementary art teacher by day and author/illustrator by night, Frank W. Dormer (pictured left — half-man, half-illustration). Not only do I like this book—and think the children in your life will most likely enjoy it, too—but I have to say that I also have a special spot in my squishy heart for this title, and here’s why: As Frank mentions below, a children’s book editor saw his art work featured here at 7-Imp (that would probably be this post from ’07, though Frank also visited me for a breakfast interview in 2008), and she contacted him about doing a book for Henry Holt. And that book would be the book you’re reading about today, Socksquatch. I cannot emphasize enough how happy this all makes me — not in a vain it-was-seen-at-my-blog kind of way. Not at all. But in an I-love-to-connect-such-talented-people kind of way. Truly.
Frank tells us a bit below about how he came up with the Socksquatch monster, so I won’t go on and on about that, but let me just say it’s a fun read-aloud. You have to be willing, mind you, to don your best old, B-movie monster voice when reading it — for maximum effect, that is. The plot is fairly simple and the text minimal. (Well, everything is minimal: “Both the narrative and the setting—a medieval castle—are minimal elements in the book, so all expectations fall at the feet of the monsters, and they do not disappoint,” writes Kirkus.) Socksquatch is looking for that one, lone sock that often escapes us in life, and he asks (in monosyllabic desperation) every monster he bumps into if he’s got one to spare. Here, for one, is Wayne:
I love what Publishers Weekly wrote: “Although slight at first glance, Dormer’s…naïf cartooning and simple silliness make this the kind of book that will probably get requested again and again. And what right-minded adult would pass up the chance to show off their best Boris Karloff impressions one more time?”
Here’s Frank to tell us a bit more about it. I mean Fr-a-a-a-n-k. Say that in your best, grunty monster voice. (Note that Frank also gives us a sneak-peek below of the next Aggie and Ben title. If you haven’t seen these short chapter books for early readers from Charlesbridge, I highly recommend them.)
Frank: Socksquatch began with a statement I yelled out to my kids one morning after seeing a gaggle of socks on our lawn — and naked-toed kids running around. This comic I created sort of follows that moment to the final selling of the book:
In one incarnation, the character of Socksquatch looked like a heavy-headed sock tree. I imagined a Goofy-esque voice-over for the text of the book, while this sock-tree thing lumbered about grabbing socks. I had NO idea how it would end.
Then I had another great idea. So far I’ve had about two of those. Since I am the illustrator, I can make it look like anything! From there the ideas began to flow. I remember as a kid watching the old B-movies, Mothra, Godzilla, Fantastic Voyage…
…and I tried to put a lot of that into the book.
This rough book cover is from the proposal sent to Reka Simonsen, then at Henry Holt. She saw my art on YOUR website and contacted me. Thanks again for that!
My next book is called The Obstinate Pen (Spring 2012), about a pen that won’t write what people want it to:
{Here is} an image drawn by an editor’s child at Holt. I think it was Christy Ottoviano’s son:
Here is an image from the forthcoming Aggie Gets Lost, coming out in spring 2011, I think:
Thanks to Frank for stopping by. Here are some pics of his studio, complete with color wheels and Star Wars toys:
SOCKSQUATCH © 2010 Frank W. Dormer. Published by Henry Holt and Company, New York. All images and illustrations (with the exception of the movie posters) reprinted by permission of Frank W. Dormer.
As a reminder, 7-Imp’s 7 Kicks is a weekly meeting ground for taking some time to reflect on Seven(ish) Exceptionally Fabulous, Beautiful, Interesting, Hilarious, or Otherwise Positive Noteworthy Things from the past week, whether book-related or not, that happened to you.
I hope all of you had a great Thanksgiving.
1). I’m finding it challenging to get into the holiday spirit this year. So, my first kick is not your typical holiday kind of kick (not related to Thanksgiving, that is, or Christmas or, good heavens, shopping), but a kick for me nonetheless: I enjoyed rather long, thoughtful morning walks this week — in both unseasonably warm weather and then, at the next moment, chilly, hey-why-didn’t-I-put-on-my-gloves weather. (Tennessee is having mood swings and isn’t quite sure what temperature she wants to be these days.)
2). I must have lugged 500 (ish? I didn’t count) new books to my local library to donate. And I still have other tall stacks for each of my girl’s teachers. And my bookshelves are still full. That’s how many books were around this place. My house can breathe easier now; I can walk without tripping (crashing headlong into nothingness or the nearest piece of furniture is something I can handle quite well, thanks very much, even without books around, as sometimes gravity just GETS IN MY WAY); and I’m happy knowing that other kids will get to read these books. (They were mostly new picture books.)
3). I’ve sort of indulged myself this week and watched more movies than normal. Should have been writing, but ah well. Two of my favorites: An indie black comedy with Robin Williams (playing, oddly, a sort of anti-John Keating character)—and directed by Bobcat Goldthwait, of all folks—called World’s Greatest Dad. I can’t remember the last time I stumbled upon a movie I knew nothing about and which no one had suggested I see — that I also liked. It lagged in spots, but it has a fabulous ending. Also: Scott Pilgrim Vs. the World, a movie for which there is no word other than awesomatic.
(Also, I really loved this line from Scott Pilgrim himself: “Yeah, I think garlic bread would have to be my favourite all-time food. I could eat it for every meal. Or just constantly, without stopping.” But it’s better to see the wonderful Michael Cera deliver said line.)
4). It was Alice‘s birthday this week.
5). I got to meet a very good friend’s wee, newborn babe, a beautiful girl named Kenna. And hold her while she slept.
6). This week, I evangelized two of My Best, As In Favorite, Things and converted some folks: A friend of mine made Chocolate Guinness cake this week after I told her about it. (Cream cheese frosting, people. Ah. Happy sigh.) I also told two friends about David Sedaris’ holiday essay, “Six to Eight Black Men,” which makes me laugh so hard every year that I laugh tears and think my pants are nearly gonna split. (“What kind of Santa spends his time pretending to kick people before stuffing them into a canvas sack?”) And I have Adrienne Furness to thank for evangelizing that to me way back. If you’ve never heard Sedaris read it, BLESS MY SOUL, go and listen to it here. (I recommend hitting the audio link at the top. Hearing him read it live trumps reading it to yourself.)
7). The Alice mad-tea party illustration Frank created specifically for 7-Imp in 2007 (pictured left and forever on this page of the site) is still a kick for me.
7½). This beautiful poem that I saw at John’s site (“JES,” as he cyber-signs his name around here).
That’s my story, and I’m stickin’ to it. I hope you all are psyched about the holidays and got to spend Thanksgiving with the people you love.
NOTE: Author/illustrator Jarrett J. Krosoczka has founded the The Joe and Shirl Scholarship. Its full name is the Joseph and Shirley Krosoczka Memorial Youth Scholarship Fund at the Worcester Art Museum (Massachusetts), and it provides tuition to needy children who are in unique familial situations. (I’ve already told Jarrett that I was surprised to hear how “Worcester” is pronounced in this below video, and he says it’s usually pronounced “Woohstah.” Like a true Southerner, I was pronouncing each and every syllable in my head. But I digress.) Check out Jarrett’s video, and help spread the word about this lovely cause / auction:
Wow, how can I tell I’m back in Australia? the timezone difference making me the first comment on a Sunday evening! We’re in a non-wifi house so computer time is limited, but some hasty kicks:
1. Well obviously for the first one, we packed up house and moved countries!
2. Our goodbye party was lovely, lots of great conversation and laughter (and a few tears of course)
3. Had fun trotting around tropical Kuala Lumpur, but also enjoyed just bumming around the hotel room, napping and not cleaning
4. A great day in transit through Singapore including random wandering, staring at huge and numerous apartment blocks (that were nice rather than decrepit as in most cities) and visiting some of the nicest botanical gardens I’ve seen.
5. A new phone arranged (so irritating being out of touch!) and all the toiletries we tossed out as our bags went over the weight limit replaced
6. The sound of familiar birds and cicadas as I type this, and presents from family like mangos on the table
7. Lots of cuddles already with my niece, who is indeed the cutest and smilingest baby in the whole world
ps and Jules, you are doing good in the world if you spend time evangelising chocolate guinness cake. And I will try Sedaris again – bounced off one of his essay collections years back.
That’s just too cool about Fraaaank’s art posted here leading to editor interest! Love the Socksquatch cartoon and can’t wait to see the book.
Congrats on sifting through books and donating so many, Jules! Decisions, decisions. I’m impressed.
Glad you’re safely back in Australia, Emmaco. And best of luck with the new job!
I’m also having a tough time getting into the holiday spirit (Len’s cousin died on my birthday) — :(,
but I’m distracting myself by making serious progress on my holiday gift list and filling up bags with clothes and shoes to donate to the church across the street. Also, eating pie every day is helping. And Fuzzy the Fox loved the turkey carcass we gave him. 🙂
Have a good week, everyone.
Jules, hope the holiday spirits come by your home soon. Or at least more babies to hold or things with cream cheese frosting. Yay for Seven Imps connections. We love your matchmaking powers. Socksquatch is just my kind of monster. Wonderful. The Obstinate Pen sounds scary. All totems must be out when reading that one.
Kicks. 1. Picking winterberry, then clipping greens for the annual wreath-making party at our house.
2. Seeing my daughter last week.
3. Meeting her employers who clearly cherish her.
4. Taking Em and an old high school friend out for dinner, and the friend sent, can you believe it, a thank you card?
5. No Obstinate Pens in the writing process.
6. Lunch yesterday with a friend who sold a novel-in-verse.
7. Staying clear of all shops this weekend.
Socksquatch should be a hit in my library, kids will love the play on Sasquatch. Love the art and how cool that his art found its way to the publishing world through 7-Imp.
Jules, think I need the reciped for the chocolate Guiness cake. Hope the holiday spirit settles in. I know the feeling.
Emmaco, congrats on the move, sound like it went well.
Jeannine, the wreath making party sounds fun.
My kicks:
1. Am SO thankful, that a plot to injure so many in Portland failed. It’s been hard to imagine it happening here.
2.Thanksgiving with my family.
3. Lunch with Medford daughter and SIL’s family.
4. Time to work on the CYBILS stack of NFPB. So many good ones.
5. The auction (http://bit.ly/bridgetauction)to help Bridget Zinn is going well almost to the half way point of our $10,000 goal.
6. Early morning(like 6 AM) shopping…more a mosey trip, good people watching.
7. Anticipation of and then a dusting of snow.
Have a great week.
Emmaco, so glad the move went well, even with all the usual irritations, and I’m happy you thought to even stop by here, amidst the chaos, and update us. And it hadn’t even occurred to me that you’ll get to see your niece a lot more, which is great! Not to mention mangoes (mangos? How does one spell that?) on the table waiting for you.
And you always manage to have such fun and see such exciting things, even when things are busy and chaotic.
I’ve never actually read a collection of Sedaris essays (only stumbled upon him here and there), so I now have a response when someone asks me what I want for Christmas.
Jama, I wish I could give you a real hug in person. I’m glad keeping busy helps — and that Fuzzy is happy.
Jeannine, totems, indeed! Perhaps I can read the book first and warn you authors. …Glad you got to see your daughter, as well as avoid ThingsGetting Day. (I have to credit urbandictionary.com for that one.) Hurrah for old-fashioned, snail-mail thank-you cards.
Jone, I got the recipe from Emily Gravett! She stopped by for this interview and mentioned it, and I was all, “WHAT IN THE WHAT THE? WHO SHOT WHO IN THE WHAT NOW? HUBBA SAY THAT AGAIN? A CAKE WITH GUINNESS! I need it in my life.” I said exactly that to myself. Not really. I’m a goober. Anywhoozles, it was made THAT very night. And enjoyed. Here is the direct link to the recipe I used.
Jone, I haven’t heard about this terrorist plot. Must see news. Glad you got some snow. Must be fun. Glad the auction’s going well. Have a good week, Jone.
Love Frank Dormer’s style (the stories and their delivery in words as well as pictures). His two earlier 7-Imp appearances took place before I first blundered, clearly lost, through your front door — so thanks for the links to them!
(I was gratified to see that the breakfast interview actually included — obliquely, subtly — a reference to a “dormer window”: the one he sat near in algebra class.)
And how great is it that you connected him and his editor?!?
Jules, I’m crazy-mad for Sedaris’s writing in the same way I am for Billy Collins’s poetry. And you’re right, he’s got the perfect voice in which to hear his stuff read. My favorite Christmas piece of his is probably “Season’s Greetings to Our Friends and Family!!!” a family Christmas letter from the fictional Dunbars. You can read it (or a good deal of it anyhow) at the Amazon “Look Inside!” preview of Barrel Fever; just search on season’s greetings.
(Btw, for general can’t-get-in-the-holiday-spirit reading, especially for friends with a slightly bent sense of humor, I highly recommend Christopher Moore’s The Stupidest Angel: A Heartwarming Tale of Christmas Terror.)
emmaco, glad to see you’ve returned safely to Australia. Although once again I’m having to pretend not to be knocked off-balance by your itineraries. I do sometimes think of “accidentally” “forgetting” to have my phone with me, but I understand the annoyances of disconnection!
jama: Eating pie every day can cure everything! (I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that whoever invented aspirin also invented pie.)
jone: For a brief window of time back in the ’90s, I came thiiiiisss close to moving to Medford from NJ. (Although when I actually visited Oregon at the time, I was much more strongly drawn to Eugene and Ashland.) Too long a story for here, but briefly, it had floated to the top of a list of, like, 200 cities I’d run through a spreadsheet — US places I’d never been to but might be happy to live in. (As it happened, though, I moved to Virginia!)
* Figuring out how to work the USB-turntable thingy to dub vinyl LPs to MP3s. Requires a lot of work cleaning up the “noise,” as it happens, but am hoping it will get easier after the first couple tries.
* A friend recommended a very simple but very funny Tumblr post this week, Harry Potter series from Hermione’s point of view.
* We hosted Thanksgiving for the first time in years. This is a kick mostly in retrospect.
* Hearing about my nephew’s annual fry-everything Thanksgiving-weekend bash for, like, 50 people back in NJ. And when I say everything, I mean everything.
* …and the ongoing hope that I’ll actually be able to attend that bash someday!
* Florida State’s first football win over U of Florida in something like 8 or 9 years. (Rare foray into athleticism there, even of the spectator sort.)
* Words.
Have a nice week, everybody!
Howdy! Long time no kick, but I’m feeling especially thankful, what with the holiday and all. So:
1* Jules. Her friendship means more and more to me with every passing year.
2* I also donated about 8 boxes of books to our local library’s booksale, and since I recently found out that the booksale funds their entire materials budget, I feel very grateful that I’m able to help out that way.
3* This poem, which Garrison Keillor shared on Writers’ Almanac, and both JES and Jules shared on FB. It’s so perfectly winteresque.
4* Thanksgiving dinner #1 was with a few friends from work who, like me, didn’t go home for it this year and decided to pitch our own. It was great – excellent food, wine, and conversation, plus we made construction paper hand turkeys.
5* Thanksgiving dinner #2 was with the former-husband-now-dear-friend, and once again there was much excellent food and wine, but no crafts. But lordy, people, he made a Jack Daniels-infused pecan pie that had me seeing stars.
6* I also saw Scott Pilgrim, and as someone who loved the books, it’s saying something that I think the movie did a brilliant job of adapting them. There were too many favorite lines to count, but near the top is “Scott, if your life had a face I’d punch it.”
7* I didn’t see the whole Mark Twain Humor Award thingy for Tina Fey, but a friend send me this clip of Alec Baldwin as the man himself and it made me cry-laugh.
Happy Holiday Weekend, everyone (except Emmaco, ’cause I don’t think they have Thanksgiving in Australia, but happy post-move weekend to you)!
Jules, yes, on the news, it might get over done (trouble with news 24/7) But this teen thought he might try bombing the lighting of the Portland Christmas tree in the community square. Could have injured thousands. And when as he acknowledged that “nobody thinks anything will happen in Portland”. Chilling.
Jes, small world…most of my cousins live in NJ and I have a very special place in my heart for NJ and now with daughter and family in southern Oregon I will spend time there.
One additonal kick…Oregon Ducks have just one more game until thiey are unbeaten for the season…WOOT!
Pie. Seven kinds of pie. On Thanksgiving morning, my daughter and I invite friends over for morning pie BEFORE they eat all that other stuff. The tradition began when my belly was big with that same daughter inside me and I moaned that I wouldn’t have any room for pie unless I ate it for breakfast which I did, joined by a few friends that first year. This year about twenty beloveds came by and devoured southern comfort apple, apple cranberry, apple blackberry, pumpkin, buttermilk sweet potato, chocolate pecan and cherry along with the attendant whipped cream, coffee, tea, hot cider and hot chocolate. Yum by all.
Thank you, Jules for a wonderful visit with Frank.
And Jama, breathe…
I love read-alouds that inspire dramatic voices; and a monster voice – all the better. Plus, the illustrations have such a fun kid-friendly character. Thanks for sharing Socksquatch.
Jules – you, matchmaker you; definite points made in kid-lit heaven. Hint about further enjoyment of Scott Pilgrim vs. The World: watch it with an expert RPG-er ( most likely, male, age 14 to 20). In the film after-discussion with my sons (both big gamers) I got schooled about the many inside-jokes that went right over my head. Then we saw it again, and of course, it was even funnier, um, more awesomatic.
Thanks for ‘heads up’ – I’ll check out Jared’s worthy auction tomorrow.
emmaco – “the sound of cicadas and mangos on the table” – you always paint great word pictures.
jama – imagining Fuzzy and his Thanksgiving leftovers. (I think the leftovers – cold turkey sandwiches for lunch or hot apple pie for breakfast — make the holiday linger in a cozy, tasty way.)
jeannine – love your totem idea. Ha! I’m curious about The Obstinate Pen, but will take definite measures.
jone – being Portland-sensitive (son/college), empathize with kick 1. Sigh. Hey, good luck with your CYBILS stack (we thank you for all the time and concentration that commitment must take.)
JES – lots of interesting/amusing links today! (well, per your usual.) My slightly-bent sense of humor is intrigued. Thanks.
eisha – the Alec Baldwin/Twain clip. : – D
Lindsey – seven kinds of pies?! impressive.
My four Thankful Kicks this week:
1 – Thanksgiving with hubby’s family in small-town Idaho. Dusting of snow on rolling hills, tough ‘barn cats’ who fend for themselves, every family owns a tractor and is happy to pull ice-challenged drivers out of a ditch.
2 – The Boot Fence of Malad, ID. On every fence post for a mile on both sides of road is an upside-down boot! One farmer started it, but the whole town added their kick-offs. This is a true KICK. (Someone else who was tickled by the sight has two photos online. SEE:)
3 – Oreo Turkeys! Cute, easy, cookie craft for kids that I’d never seen before. Recipe: http://www.flickr.com/photos/mamakimi/2056437398/
4 – Coming into LAX on a clear, clear night; Twinkle Town.
Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving.
Hello to Frank and to Socksquatch! I dig the backstory comic. Very cool to see the kid’s reaction to your story. Good luck with your current and future projects.
Denise: I meant to tell you my line last week, to continue the “first line” tradition. It was: “I think so.”
Jules: Sending you optimistic and uplifting vibes. Thank you for donating so many books to the library. That’s inspiring and impressive. I want to read the Scott Pilgrim graphic novels before I see the movie. The three minutes I’ve seen of the film – the Black Sheep performance – made me happy in terms of cinematography. When things are edited to the beat of a song, I become insanely happy.
Happy birthday, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland! Thank you for all of the inspiration you’ve given to me throughout my life.
I hope all of you Imps had an amazing week, and will have an even better week now!
emmaco: I hope the move went smoothly, and that you are happy, healthy, and comfortable.
jama: Sending sympathy to you and yours. Hello to Fuzzy the fox.
Jeannine: Congrats to your friend on the sale! Glad that you were able to visit with your daughter, and glad that she is appreciated in her workplace.
jone: YAY for the auction for Bridget Zinn nearing the halfway point! May you reach the goal and then EXCEED IT! Enjoy the Cybils reading.
JES: Words are to be cherished.
eisha! eisha! How are you?
Lindsey Lane: Wowza. That’s a lot of pie.
My kicks from the past seven days:
1) Receiving my AFTRA card
2) Filming a webseries
3) Being patient
4) Having some days off
5) Being invited and included
6) Getting some sleep
7) Going to a musical today!
LW — AFTRA first line: a good one. Congrats. So, are you over the SAG, AFTRA, Equity hurdles now? It’s gets easier in some aspects; break a leg.
John! Thanks for the Moore book recommendation. I’m going to look for that. As for the Sedaris essay you suggested, I’ve decided to go after his Holidays On Ice, probably on iTunes, so I’m sure it will be in there. Thanks!
Being not familiar with Tumblr, I’m not sure how to even find the HP write-up. Um, der. I’ll holler for help. What am I missing? Where’s the link? I’ll figure it out, and thanks in advance, ’cause it sounds like a good read.
Word to words.
eisha, right back atcha on #1. And look at us being psychic twin friends and giving books away at the same time.
Jone, oh my, scary!
Lindsey, that is a perfectly brilliant tradition, I must say.
Denise, duly noted about watching Scott Pilgrim. And how much do I love Boot Lane! And those Oreo snacks look downright perfect. (Anything with Reese’s is, which is what that looks like to me.)
Little Willow, love the first line tradition, as an onlooker. Thanks for the vibes. I’m glad you got some days off. What musical did you see today? Congrats on the AFTRA card!
Hooray for Socksquatch! And hooray for you Jules for helping facilitate it – so very cool!
Congrats on the AFTRA card LW! Woot! great news!
emmaco – glad the move went well!
jama – so sorry for your loss…..
Jeannine – thank you cards are so old-fashioned and so darn wonderful!
jone – yay for Thanksgiving with family!
JES/john – that fry-everything dinner sounds fun. Also, can I trouble you to remind me what mini-series you watch annually? I am adding to my netflix queue…..
Eisha – We’ve missed you! Two dinners sounds amazing!
Lindsey – seven kinds of pie sounds like heaven.
Denise – that boot fence is pretty cool.
Jules, I am half in and half out of the holiday spirit, so I’m going to think happy holiday thoughts for both of us! : )
My kicks:
1. a non-traditional thanksgiving dinner with friends that included everything from my sweet potatoes made with bourbon and maple syrup to homemade pizza to 3 pies and lots of red wine.
2. having girlfriends willing to watch the Saints game and then Sex and the City.
3. Catching up with a friend over a peppermint mocha.
4. The gym. Its been COLD outside.
5. Russell Crowe. Just watched the director’s cut of Robin Hood. Swoon.
6. Picked up The Hunger Games for my favorite 14 year old.
7. This ridiculous video of 2 cats playing pattycake and talking: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X3iFhLdWjqc
And Jules, 6 to 8 Black men is one of my all-time Sedaris faves! Love it.
Have a great week everyone!
Okay, Rachel, thanks! I’ll root for your holiday spirit. You deserve a great holiday, you know.
And please oh please can you one day share the recipe for the sweet potatoes made with bourbon and maple syrup? We had a non-traditional meal, too. Let the girls pick what they wanted, so we had things like popcorn and bacon alongside sweet potatoes and cranberry relish.
Okay, those cats made me laugh.
Jules: “Where’s the link?” — er, it’s right there in my comment, the kick about the HP books from Hermione’s perspective. The page it takes you to is actually like a blog post; in this case, the post consists of seven bulleted items, each exactly the same as the others (which is part of the joke :)).
Rachel/rm, by annual mini-series, I’m not sure but I think you might mean (per this comment last year, the second item in my kicks list) The 10th Kingdom. (The amazing title sequence is here on YouTube.)
I’m amazed you even remembered that — even though I did pound the recommendation-drum pretty loudly. 🙂
JES/john – That’s it! Thank you so much, now added to my queuuuuueeee.
As to my memory, I am not kidding when I say “I remember everything.” Its not 100% photographic, but somwhere over 90%, I think. (I remembered you raved about a miniseries, but couldn’t remember which one.) Its a nifty trick that comes in handy for the day job (statutes, cases, etc), but it seems to drive the men in my life a little crazy. ; )
Thanks, Jules, for following, connecting, and interviewing one of my favorite author-illustrators of all time. I LOVE his Socksquatch genesis comic, and Frank’s comic genius in general!
John, I meant where’s the link in the link! I totally missed that the seven bulleted items were part of the joke. I just kept looking for linkage. (I could cut myself down right now, based on my hair color, but I shall refrain.) I’ll look again. Thanks for getting me straight on that.
Hi, Leslie. Glad you liked the post.
Love that you give the love to JJK. Is great, what he’s doing.
WAAAANT the Socksquatch thing! I have a thing about big grunty monsters (“In Me Own Words” made me laugh til I was a little injured).
Beginning to think Reka Simonsen has my brain. This is like the 3rd time in a week that I’ve heard her name in conjunction with something that is just exactly precisely what I think is great. (Hold Me Closer Neuromancer and… er something else I can’t remember this second).
Paula, I think you’d like the book.
I believe that smart Reka is at Harcourt now, but don’t quote me on that.