Peaceful Pieces

As I explain at this page of the site, 7-Imp’s header should probably say “a blog about illustration,” as that’s entirely more accurate. (But I’m sentimental, so I’m not changing it and that’s that.) Yep, I like to follow contemporary illustration like my kitten likes to bite my ear at 5 a.m. to tell me it’s time to be fed (SHE SAYS WITH GREAT FATIGUE).
But there is one particular type of rendering picture book art which I feel I don’t cover enough. And that’s the kind of art featured here this morning. Salley Mavor, whom I interviewed around this time last year, calls her work “fabric relief collage.” I’m not sure what author/illustrator (or “sorceress of the ordinary” — visit her site to get the scoop) Anna Grossnickle Hines calls hers, but quite simply (though there’s very little that’s simple about the process, I’m sure) it’s quilting. Pictured above—please note that is only the right part of one full spread—is an illustration from her latest title, Peaceful Pieces: Poems and Quilts About Peace, published by Henry Holt in March of this year.
The Kirkus reviewer for this title wisely noted that it’s “very difficult to write about peace for children—or anyone else—without sinking into bathos or pure sappiness.” True. But I like these poems. (And, for the record, the Kirkus reviewer recommends the book, which has also been met with starred reviews from Booklist and Publishers Weekly.) Hines’ poems come in many forms—haiku, rhyming couplets, concrete poetry, acrostics, free verse—and they cover many aspects of peace. There’s the child who plays with the kid at school whom everyone else shuns; there’s wobbly peace (Hines likens the presence of fear to “peace walk[ing] a tightrope”); there’s the way your mouth forms itself into a smile by the mere action of saying the word “peace”; there’s the peace that forgiveness brings; there’s the frustration of convincing peace to stay (“O Peace, / why are you such / an infrequent guest?”); and much more. These are meditations on peace and even its absence, which can prompt thought-provoking discussions for child readers — and the entire collection would serve as an excellent writing prompt in elementary or middle school classrooms.
And the intricately-stitched quilted artwork is beautiful. “The most striking aspect of the book,” writes Booklist, “is its quilted, pieced-cloth artwork, and the borderless pages allow maximum impact for Hines’ bold, expressive visual statements.” One of my favorite parts of the book is its closing: Hines introduces children to some of the “peacemakers” (Nelson Mandela, Mother Teresa, Dorothy Day, etc.), whose faces are included on one quilt. And then in a note called “Peaceful Connections,” she discusses the time-honored tradition of quilting, as well as how she went about the creation of the book:
…I have not been alone on this journey. While writing the poems, I was supported and encouraged by some of my writing friends. We challenged ourselves to write a poem every day, and I chose peace as a theme.
As I worked on my quilts I drew on a rich and wonderful heritage. Woven into the centuries-old tradition of quilting are the pleasure of creating beautiful and useful objects, an element of storytelling, and a strong sense of community.
In the name of the-art-speaks-louder-than-my-words, here are some images from the book. Enjoy. [Note: These illustrations are each only one half of full spreads. Only a true picture book nerd would point this out, but hey, I think it’s important to note you’re only seeing part of a full double-page-spread.]
PEACEFUL PIECES: POEMS AND QUILTS ABOUT PEACE. © 2011 by Anna Grossnickle Hines. Published by Henry Holt and Company, New York, NY. All Images reproduced by permission of the publisher.
I love this, Anna !!! Keep quilting, creating and most of all listening as you do!!!
How beautiful! It’s like I can feel the illustrations and I’m not even holding the book. I’ll have to get this one…
I didn’t realize she had a new book! I have to pay more attention!
Can’t imagine the work that went into these beautiful pieces. (Says the girl who got a “C” in home ec. for sewing her track pants inside out.)
Thanks for sharing.
Jessica: HA! I almost just did a spit-take with my cream soda on the vision of inside-out track pants.
So sorry this book was not on the list for the CYBILS finalists.