What I’m Doing at Kirkus Today,
Plus What I Did Last Week, Featuring
a Handful of International Children’s Book Art

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This morning at Kirkus, I take a look at the new picture book offering from the very talented author/illustrator Tao Nyeu, Squid and Octopus: Friends for Always. That link is here this morning.
Last week at Kirkus, I took a look at two new picture book titles from Tara Books, who—as I wrote over at Kirkus—are an independent publisher based in South India. I also mentioned some of their more recent (but not from 2012) titles, and so today I’ve got illustrations from those older picture books, as well as spreads from the two brand-new ones.
Enjoy the art.
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And by the time I woke up / It was noon, of yesterday.”
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I wrote every sum down neatly / I finished it all, I promise, I swear! …”
(Click to see full spread, including text)
illustrated by Gabrielle Manglou (2012)
When I was little, my brother and I often went to the river to fish. …”
(Click to see full spread, including text)
(Click to see full spread, including text)
(BolognaRagazzi Award, Mention: New Horizons, 2012)
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illustrated by Dulari Devi (2011)
illustrated by Swarna Chitrakar (2010)
illustrated by Ramesh Hengadi and Shantaram Dhadpe
(with help from Rasika Hengadi and Kusum Dhadpe), 2009
(BolognaRagazzi Award, Winner: New Horizons, 2010)
illustrated by Emanuele Scanziani (2007)
The Great Race © 2012 Tara Books, Nathan Kumar Scott and Jagdish Chitara.
Excuses Excuses © 2012 Tara Books, Anushka Ravishankar and Gabrielle Manglou.
Waterlife © 2012 Tara Books and Rambharos Jha.
Following My Paintbrush © 2012 Tara Books, Gita Wolf and Dulari Devi.
Monkey Photo © 2012 Tara Books, Gita Wolf and Swarna Chitrakar.
Do! © 2012 Tara Books, Gita Wolf, Ramesh Hengadi, Rasika Hengadi, Shantaram Dhadpe, and Kusum Dhadpe.
To Market! To Market! © 2012 Tara Books, Anushka Ravishankar, Emanuele Scanziani and Rathna Ramanathan.
I LOVE and adore seeing picture books from other cultures. I look at them and think how the world appears to me, born here, and to someone else, born there, and what informs our childhoods. I love the colors, the spots, lines, swirls – the patterns are AMAZING. I especially love WATERLIFE and the huge eyes in FOLLOWING MY PAINTBRUSH and the richness of the movement in the last one TO MARKET, TO MARKET. Thanks for sharing the stuff you were so lucky to see in Bologna.
Those are gorgeous! Thanks for sharing. It’s amazing how much the art from FOLLOWING MY PAINTBRUSH was influenced by traditional Indian painting: http://homepages.wmich.edu/~mltotton/14.jpg (I even remembered which style it was…must’ve actually learned something in that class!!)