What I’m Doing at Kirkus This Morning,
Plus What I Did Last Week, Featuring Soyeon Kim

h1 September 21st, 2012 by jules

“You are stardust.”
(Click to enlarge spread)


This morning over at Kirkus, I take a look at Klaas Verplancke’s Applesauce, originally published in Belgium in 2010 and released here in the U.S. by Groundwood Books in July. That link is here.

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Last week at Kirkus, I wrote about Elin Kelsey’s You Are Stardust (Owlkids Books, September 2012), illustrated by Soyeon Kim. That link is here, if you missed it.

Below are more spreads from the book. I also included below a video that depicts the evolution of the book’s artwork (Soyeon’s dioramas).


“Every tiny atom in your body came from a star
that exploded long before you were born.”

(Click to enlarge spread)

“You started life as a single cell. So did all other creatures on planet Earth.”
(Click to enlarge spread)

“Like fish deep in the ocean, you called salt water home. You swam inside the salty sea of your mother’s womb. Salt still flows through your veins, your sweat, and your tears. The sea within you is as salty as the ocean.”
(Click to enlarge spread)

“The water swirling in your glass once filled the puddles where dinosaurs drank.
From ocean to sky to land and back again,
the same water has been quenching thirsts for millions of years.”

(Click to enlarge spread)

Note for interested readers: The publisher has built a microsite for this book here. (The URL is also in the author’s letter at the book’s close.) It contains the behind-the-scenes look that you see below (of one of the dioramas coming together), suggestions for further reading, a Q&A with Elin and Soyeon, a diorama craft illustrated by Soyeon, and a teacher’s guide.

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YOU ARE STARDUST. Copyright © 2012 by Elin Kelsey. Illustrations © 2012 by Soyeon Kim. Published by Owlkids Books, Ontario. Spreads reproduced by permission of the publisher.

5 comments to “What I’m Doing at Kirkus This Morning,
Plus What I Did Last Week, Featuring Soyeon Kim”

  1. Thank you for this post! Dimensional illustration with cut paper is my passion. I’ve been doing it for the last several years and I thought I knew almost everyone in my field – but this is the first time I’ve seen the work of Soyeon Kim. Stunning!

    Thank you again for your blog, seeing what’s new on 7-Imp is regularly the highlight of my morning.

  2. Ok Jules…this is SO cool to see. My 2 daughters and I just watched the video and I can see some serious thought processing happening.

  3. […] out of writing about Elin Kelsey’s You Are Stardust, illustrated by Soyeon Kim, which I did here at 7-Imp in September, was that I met Jayme McGowan. (Well, I cyber-met her, though I wish I could […]

  4. […] You Are Stardust(Owlkids Books, September 2012),illustrated by Soyeon Kim(Featured on September 21, 2012)(Click to enlarge […]

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