A Peek at Yuyi Morales’ Drawing Table

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Last week at Kirkus, I wrote about Yuyi Morales’ newest picture book, Niño Wrestles the World, published this month by Neal Porter/Roaring Brook. That link is here.
Today, Yuyi visits to share some early sketches, dummies, final art, etc. I thank her for sharing. Let’s get to it …
Yuyi: Here is an image of a page in which I kept reworking the text — and also images of some of my early thumbnails. The more I draw, the more I go to very small studies of my characters — tiny sometimes! And, yes, the first drawings are very simple and rather ugly.
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Here are early drawings and my thumbnails for some of the spreads, including a progression of stick figure drawings to more refined sketches for Lucha moves.
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Here are some sketches of spread compositions and their corrections.
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Here are ink drawings and the acrylic painting colors I later scanned into my computer so that I would use them to paint digitally. Cabeza Olmeca’s is a combination of acrylic paint and salt.
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And finally some color art [without the text and the impressive typography]:
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NIÑO WRESTLES THE WORLD. Copyright © 2013 by Yuyi Morales. Published by Neal Porter/Roaring Brook, New York. All images used with permission of Yuyi Morales.
I realized that part of what is making me grumpy during this crazy moving process (that will finally be over on Friday!) is that I have missed all my favorite blogs so I am making time this morning! And what a treat! I love seeing the early sketches!!!
Holy…I looove that cover. Her “Just a Minute” book is one of the all-time favourites at our house. And this one looks like something that would forever rock the world of our five-year-old little guy.
Those weency little legs in those underwear just crack me up. I love that Yuyi incorporates Mexican culture in such a huge way into the crazy little kid world of picture books. Lucha libre is a THING for some people, and I love it depicted as part of a child’s imagination – I mean, WHY NOT??
what a funny book – thanks for sharing these drawings. I picture lots of close study and giggling on the part of many 7-year olds.
Splok! Blagoon! Hurray!