Art Break!

Well, there’s always art here at 7-Imp, but it’s I who am taking a break in my work today to post some art from David Díaz.
Last week over at Kirkus, I chatted (here) with Alma Flor Ada and F. Isabel Campoy, both pictured below in this post, about Yes! We Are Latinos (Charlesbridge, August 2013), illustrated by Díaz, a series of narrative poems about the various ways Latinos and Latinas in this country celebrate their heritage. So, today I’ve got some art from the book.
I also didn’t have room in last week’s column for one final question I had for Ms. Ada and Ms. Campoy, so that question is also included below.
Enjoy the art.
What would your story tell us about you?”
And, finally, the question I didn’t have room for last week:
Jules: What’s next for each of you? Are the two of you collaborating together on any other books?
Alma (pictured above): Writing is a significant part of our lives, so we plan to continue writing, both individually and as a team. Forthcoming from Isabel [pictured below] is an anthology of her poetry in Spanish, Poesía eres tú (Santillana). I am working on a middle grade historical novel and always creating new poems and stories. Together we have completed a book of poems that celebrate life from a multitude of children’s voices, which we will be submitting soon, and have a plan for some biographical books and a very comprehensive book of the Latino presence in the United States and their contributions to our society.
YES! WE ARE LATINOS. Copyright © 2013 by Alma Flor Ada and F. Isabel Campoy. Illustration copyright © 2013 by David Diaz. Illustrations used with permission of Charlesbridge, Watertown, MA.
Photos of Ms. Ada and Ms. Campoy are used with their permission.