7-Imp’s 7 Kicks #366: Featuring Tomie dePaola

h1 January 19th, 2014 by jules

Good morning, all. Here are some illustrations I intended to post last Friday, but I didn’t quite get them in time. These are from Lin Oliver’s Little Poems for Tiny Ears,
illustrated by Tomie dePaola (Nancy Paulsen Books, February 2014), which I wrote about at Kirkus last week. This is such a superb collection of poems for very young children, and dePaola’s art is so inviting. As I said, I wrote about it here, so you can read a bit more about it at that link, if you’re so inclined.

I’m happy to have some of the poems and art to share today.


LITTLE POEMS FOR TINY EARS. Copyright © 2014 by Lin Oliver. Illustrations copyright © 2014 by Tomie dePaola. Published by Nancy Paulsen Books/Penguin, New York. Images reproduced by permission of the publisher.

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Note for any new readers: 7-Imp’s 7 Kicks is a weekly meeting ground for taking some time to reflect on Seven(ish) Exceptionally Fabulous, Beautiful, Interesting, Hilarious, or Otherwise Positive Noteworthy Things from the past week, whether book-related or not, that happened to you. New kickers are always welcome.

* * * Jules’ Kicks * * *

I’m going to be brief this week, as my co-author and I are coming ever closer to our end-of-the-month book deadline. (Did I mention the book’s publication will now be August, instead of this April? We have work to finish up now, the kind of tedious permissions work very necessary for nonfiction.)

This video could encapsulate my kicks 1 to 7, though, because I love this band, Elbow, and I’m very happy they’ll have a new album soon. This is a new song (er, two songs in one?), which pretty much made my week:

What are YOUR kicks this week?

12 comments to “7-Imp’s 7 Kicks #366: Featuring Tomie dePaola”

  1. Tomie and Lin, what a lovely combination.
    Speaking of Tomie, you guys should check out the winner and runners up of the SCBWI Tomie dePaola Award this year. http://www.scbwi.org/winner-of-the-2014-tomie-depaola-award-is-announced/
    Akiko’s winning entry was mad out of cake! and frosting!

    Jules – What a lovely song. I will gladly buy you and Betsy an Irish Whiskey when it comes out in August and we can hit the trampolines too if you like. Maybe whiskey after the trampolines.


    1. Martin Luther King Day, my favorite holiday
    2. I’ve been posting a bunch of pics from my sketchbook on Instagram and Tumblr if anyone is interested. My handle on both is atlanticmo.
    3. Inspiration
    4. Timothy Olyphant
    5. Youth Basketball
    6. a supportive spouse
    7. The New England Patriots

  2. Can’t wait to read the Little Poems book. Thanks, Jules!

    So many things to be thankful for this week. A friend challenged me to write a list poem that was more than a list. Here’s what I came up with:

    To My Friends Who Don’t Wear Hats

    (save baseball or stocking caps)
    haberdashers of the hatted past
    return to haunt and hate you

    some malicious milliner’s ghost
    is after you already, you who
    own no bowler, no derby to doff

    (no homburg, porkpie, cowboy
    slouch hat, newsboy, fedora
    boater, straw basher, panama)

    change your life: wear a crown
    when next crimsoning the town
    try out a trim tricorne, tyrolean

    or go sombrero, pith helmet
    deerstalker, coonskin, beret
    broad-brimmed night or day

    buy a stove pipe, check the label
    mollify your chapeau-maker
    with a topper to remove at table

    © 2014 Steven Withrow, all rights reserved

  3. I am so glad a new book featuring the work of Tomie dePaola will be published. I have always loved his work.
    Jules, when the book is publish we will need to have a big, virtual publishing party. I will check out the new group. I always love your music suggestions.
    Moira, going to take a peek at your sketches. Yay for kick # 3 and 6.
    My kicks:
    1. The sun after a week of a fog shroud. Lots of fog this winter, thick-doesn’t-burn-off fog.
    2. Tulips and daffodil stems peeking out of the soil in the flower box.
    3. Lengthening days.
    4. My interview/conversation with Helen Frost.
    5. William Stafford celebration today.
    6. Motivation.
    7. Reading.
    Have a great week.

  4. Steve, love the malicious milliner’s ghost. Fun poem.

  5. Hello, Kickers!

    Unsurprisingly, those illustrations are perfect for that age group and those poems. (I mean, even I knew Tomi dePaola’s name, even before I visited 7-Imp for the first time. Which is saying something.) Thanks for posting them, Jules!

    I won’t congratulate you on having the, y’know, reason for the onrushing book deadline in the first place. But I hope you’ll accept congratulations on almost being DONE-done! (Yeah right, how many times have you said that before? :))

    Thanks for the link to the TdP award winners, Moira. Mmm, cake. (And I really love that Instagram shot of yours captioned “Sea St. Beach #capecod”!)

    Hello, Steven, and thanks as usual for the spot of poetry. I like the way this one starts out almost unstructured, then proceeds to more “built,” and by the end turns out to be actually rhyming (albeit irregularly)… it was almost like walking through shelves of hats arranged from least to most formal. Plus: “crimsoning the town”!

    Quick kicks here:

    1. Amazon’s customer service flat-out blew me away this week. (I’m wary of/cynical about corporate mega-behemoths but really, in this case at least, I had no right to expect the transaction to turn out so well — I had BROKEN the product, after all. But, well, it’s like it never happened.)
    2. The smell of brewing coffee.
    3. The happy-excited barking of a small dog which doesn’t really bark that much otherwise.
    4. Persons of the niece and nephew persuasion.
    5. Movie theater full, no more tickets. Ugh. Spontaneous mutual decision to go someplace nice instead, for a drink + appetizers: kickworthy!
    6. A good friend’s e-book edition sold well enough that the publisher re-issued it as a REAL physical book. Cool!
    7. Brainstorming a new writing project. Like actual notetaking-type brainstorming, not just vague thinkery.

    BONUS: It’s too late for the most recent Christmas season, but I already know — thanks to a random discovery this week — what’s going to lead off next year’s playlist: Walt Kelly’s “Deck Us All with Boston Charlie,” interpreted by a full-blown chorale and jazz ensemble.

    Have a great week, all!

  6. Hi, Jone — envious of your lasting fog! And any day’s a great day to celebrate Stafford. 🙂

    P.S. Thanks for posting Helen Frost’s “That Certainty” the other day: lovely poem.

  7. Good morning, Imps, Tomie, Lin, and company!

    Jules: Good luck with the book work. 🙂 You can do it!

    Moira: Lovely work, as always.

    Steven: I do like a good hat.

    Jone: Say hello to the flowers for me.

    JES: Congrats to your author friend! Good luck with the brainstorming.

    My kicks for this past week:
    1) Hope
    2) Handled
    3) Performance
    4) Rehearsals
    5) Audition
    6) Options
    7) Mentoring

  8. Looking forward to the book of poems too, and now I see why Tomie was inspired to ask for an illustration for the very young for his ’13 SCBWI contest! Never added my kicks before, but here goes:

    1. ReViMo – REVIse MOre picture books
    2. Warmer days for hanging wash
    3. Owl in my tree
    4. ReViMo (@MegMillerWrites)
    5. loving the mc in my lastest ms
    6. finally getting pics of my daughter’s new digs
    7. ReViMo – yes, THT productive!

  9. Hi, all. How’d today get away from me? Oh, right. PERMISSIONS WORK.

    I’ll be back in the morning, PROMISE. When my hands are rested from typing.

  10. Isn’t the publishing world a fjunny, synchronistic place. Tomie and Lin are good friends of mine and Jane Dyer’s, yet who could have guessed (we certainly didn’t) that their wonderful book and Jane’s and mine (WEE RHYMES) would come out at about the same time.

    Wow! Can’t wait to get my hands on this one.


  11. Moira: Thanks for that link to the SCBWI award! I just shared it at the Niblings’ page too. … Thanks in advance for the whiskey! AND for sharing your pics and sketches.

    Steven, way to meet the challenge!

    Jone, I am ALL FOR this publishing party! Oh, how I love William Stafford’s work. I want to go re-read some stuff now.

    John, HA to the DONE-done part. I told someone recently (maybe you?) that I’m gonna stop telling non-publishing friends that I’m working on a book, since we started in ’09. They’re probably all, “riiiight. She’s AIR QUOTE working on a book.” … WHOA that Walt Kelly tune! “Don’t we know archaic barrel”? I love it. … Best of luck on kick #7!

    Little Willow: I really like “Handled” as a kick, cryptic as it is.

    Hi Julie! Best of luck with your revisions. Where do you live that you’re getting warmer days?

    Jane, who’s publishing WEE RHYMES? Congrats!

  12. Came out late last year from Paula Wiseman Books/Simon and Schuster. I have Jane Dyer’s email if you want it.


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