What I’m Doing at Kirkus This Week,
Plus What I Did Last Week,
Featuring Carolyn Fisher and Clotilde Perrin

h1 February 7th, 2014 by jules

From Clotilde Perrin’s At the Same Moment Around the World:
“At the same moment, in Paris, France, it is seven o’clock in the morning, and Benedict drinks hot chocolate before school. At the same moment, in Sofia, Bulgaria, it is eight o’clock in the morning when Mitko chases after the school bus.”

(Click to enlarge)

From Cindy Jenson-Elliott’s Weeds Find a Way, illustrated by Carolyn Fisher:
“Weeds send their seeds into the world in wondrous ways:
fluffing up like feathers and floating away on the wind.”

(Click to enlarge)


This morning at Kirkus, I write about a quiet, little picture book by Natalie Russell, who lives and works in Scotland, called Lost for Words (Peachtree, March 2014). That link is here.

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Last week, I wrote about Cindy Jenson-Elliott’s Weeds Find a Way (Beach Lane Books, February 2014), illustrated by Carolyn Fisher, and Clotilde Perrin’s At the Same Moment Around the World (Chronicle Books, March 2014), first published in France in 2011. That link is here, and today I follow up with some art from each book.


“At the same moment, in Hanoi, Vietnam, it is one o’clock in the afternoon, and Khanh takes a nap despite noise on the street outside. At the same moment,
in Shanghai, China, it is two o’clock in the afternoon, and Chen practices
for the Lunar New Year parade.”

(Click to enlarge)

“At the same moment, in Anchorage, Alaska, it is nine o’clock in the evening when William blows on his bedtime tea. At the same moment, in San Francisco, California,
it is ten o’clock at night when Sharon and Peter kiss good bye.”

(Click to enlarge)


* * *


“… swirled into prickly burrs that stick to socks and fur,
poking into pants and paws like tiny needles …”

(Click to enlarge)

“Weeds find a way to stay — unexpected guests who just happen to bring …
the whole family along!”

(Click to enlarge)

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AT THE SAME MOMENT AROUND THE WORLD. Text copyright © 2011 by Clotilde Perrin. First published in the U.S. in 2014 by Chronicle Books. Spreads reproduced by permission of the publisher, Chronicle Books, San Francisco.

WEEDS FIND A WAY. Text copyright © 2014 by Cindy Jenson-Elliott. Illustrations copyright © 2014 by Carolyn Fisher. Spreads reproduced by permission of the publisher, Beach Lane Books, New York.

2 comments to “What I’m Doing at Kirkus This Week,
Plus What I Did Last Week,
Featuring Carolyn Fisher and Clotilde Perrin”

  1. I love making wishes on dandelions.

  2. I wonder if I can get some sort of agreement with Beach Lane Books where they just send me all their books. (I’m thinking I want the same deal with Enchanted Lion too.)

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