TOONs Thursday: Some Art from
Frédéric Othon Théodore Aristidès,
Lorenzo Mattotti, and Yvan Pommaux

h1 July 3rd, 2014 by jules

“And then, one morning, their father announced he was taking them with him to work.”
— From Neil Gaiman’s
Hansel & Gretel, illustrated by Lorenzo Mattotti
(Click to enlarge)


From Yvan Pommaux’s Theseus and the Minotaur
(Click to see spread in its entirety)


From Fred’s Cast Away on the Letter A: A Philemon Adventure
(Click to enlarge)


Last week over at Kirkus, I chatted with designer and editor Françoise Mouly about TOON Graphics, the new imprint from TOON Books. That conversation is here, and today I follow up with some art from the imprint’s three debut titles — Neil Gaiman’s Hansel & Gretel, illustrated by Lorenzo Mattotti; Yvan Pommaux’s Theseus and the Minotaur; and Cast Away on the Letter A: A Philemon Adventure from Frédéric Othon Théodore Aristidès, who went simply by Fred.



From Neil Gaiman’s Hansel & Gretel,
illustrated by Lorenzo Mattotti (October 2014)


“They went so deep into the old forest
that the sunlight was stained green by the leaves.”
(Click to enlarge)


From Yvon Pommaux’s
Theseus and the Minotaur
(August 2014)


(Click to enlarge)


(Click either image to see spread in its entirety)


(Click either image to see spread in its entirety)


(Click either image to see spread in its entirety)



From Cast Away on the Letter A:
A Philemon Adventure

(September 2014)


(Click to enlarge)


(Click either image to see spread in its entirety)


(Click either image to see spread in its entirety)



* * * * * * *

All images are posted here by permission of TOON Books.

One comment to “TOONs Thursday: Some Art from
Frédéric Othon Théodore Aristidès,
Lorenzo Mattotti, and Yvan Pommaux”

  1. Lorenzo Mattotti has certainly captured that Grimm vibe. Love it!

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