Hook, Heidi, and Hendrix

h1 November 20th, 2014 by jules

“Though she couldn’t tell for certain from her vantage point, Jocelyn did not expect to find a single corset on the entire island. She was utterly charmed. Even so, the girl knew that somewhere down there, amidst all the wonder, a terrible beast was waiting. Reminds me a bit of my first wedding day.”


Just last week, dear Imps, I chatted over at Kirkus with author Heidi Schulz about her debut novel, Hook’s Revenge (Disney-Hyperion, September 2014), illustrated by John Hendrix. That link is here, but I wanted to follow up with some art from Hendrix today. Above and below are some of his interior illustrations from the book.



“‘Don’t die,’ he said. ‘What fun would that be? For me, I mean?’
She reached over and gave him a little shove. ‘This is serious.’
‘Oh yes. Serious. I can tell.’ He arranged his face into mock gravity.”


“If you have ever felt a bit nervous about a task before you—such as walking past a snarling dog on your way to school, confessing to your mother that you broke her favorite Royal Family commemorative plate, or needing to dig up and rebury a body on a cold, dark night—you may have an idea of how Jocelyn felt
as she seated herself in the little boat.”


“The beast looked confused. It snapped its jaws in first one direction, then another.
A third attack followed, then a fourth. Though no blood flowed, the archers finally succeeded in driving the monster away. It hissed at Jocelyn once more before lumbering off through the jungle.”


“‘So you took up the challenge.’ His deep, rich voice held the edge of a sneer.
‘I didn’t expect you would.’ Jocelyn spoke past the lump forming in her throat.
‘You asked me to. Your letter said it was my inheritance.'”


* * * * * * *

HOOK’S REVENGE. Copyright © 2014 by Heidi Schulz. Illustrations © 2014 by John Hendrix. Published by Disney-Hyperion, New York. Illustrations used by permission of John Hendrix.

One comment to “Hook, Heidi, and Hendrix”

  1. I’ve had this book since it was released. It looks like I need to start it now. Reading three books at a time is okay, right? I am a huge John Hendrix fan.

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