The Edge of the Forest, December ’06

If you’re not familiar with The Edge of the Forest, a monthly online journal devoted to children’s literature, then let me make your day by telling you about it. Kelly Harold of Big A little a is the journal’s Editor and Webmaster, and every month she and her editorial board and team of contributors bring you book reviews, interviews with blogging authors, a “Best of the Blogs” column, a once-a-month round-up of children’s favorite books, and much more. (And, ooh! ooh! This month, they bring us “Sounds From the Forest,” in which Andrea and Mark of Just One More Book!! talk to Kelly and Anne Boles Levy, the founders of the Cybils Award, about the genesis of the award and how blogging has changed children’s book reviewing today).
Anyway, Yours Truly also contributed a feature in the December issue of this informative online journal. So, if you’d like to read reviews of four recently-published picture books with rhyming text — all nominated for a Cybil Award in the Picture Book (Fiction) category — then, by all means, go here to do so. The featured books are: Estelle Takes a Bath by Jill Esbaum and illustrated by Mary Newell DePalma; Sail Away, Little Boat by Janet Buell and illustrated by Jui Ishida; Stoo Hample’s Book of Bad Manners by none other than Stoo Hample; and The Red Lemon by Bob Stakke. There are also, as usual, many other reviews by other contributors in this month’s journal. Enjoy!
Excellent job, J! Very nice indeed.