Poetry Friday: a Holiday Cop-Out

*{Note: Head on over to A Chair, A Fireplace & A Tea Cozy for this week’s Poetry Friday round-up} . . .
Hello, strangers. Remember me? The OTHER Seven Impossible blogger? It’s been kind of a crazy couple of months for me, and I know I’ve been kinda scarce around here. But it’s my turn to do Poetry Friday and I told Julie earlier this week that, sure, no problem, I had it covered. Well… I’m supposed to embark on a two-day, 1000+ mile road trip to see the family (and Julie!) in about 12 hours, and I haven’t packed. Or wrapped my presents. Or even read the books I said I was going to review for PF today. That’s pretty much how I roll.
So… here’s what I’m doing instead. I’m sharing a poem – a sweet, short little poem, that seems like a nice way to commemorate a journey. It’s “Poem” by Thomas McGrath. It’s so short I’m just going to give you the whole thing, and hope that the copyright police have a little holiday spirit about it:
How could I have come so far?
(And always on such dark trails?)
I must have traveled by the light
Shining from the faces of all those I have loved.
For all the other holiday travelers, I wish you a safe and happy journey. To Julie – thank you so much for keeping this blog going with almost no help from me. And to Blaine, thanks for your expert tech support and general coolness. To everyone who reads, comments, and/or links to us on your own blogs – thank you, it is a pleasure and a privilege to be a part of such a dedicated and talented community. And Happy Holidays to all.
Jules here. I hope Eisha doesn’t mind me tacking something on here. Since she’ll be travelling (and coming to see me — woo hoo!) and we’ll all be busy with the holidays (hey, my oldest is almost three years old and she really “gets” the holidays now, so this year it’s more exciting than ever), we probably won’t be too busy on this here blawg. So, I just wanted to say a quick Happy Holidays to all, too. I’ll be celebrating and reading Tomie DePaola’s Christmas Remembered, which I’ve already started and am enjoying (and it’s not poetry, but I’m just tagging along for the ride here on Eisha’s Poetry Friday post). We will soon post a co-review we did of M.T. Anderson’s Octavian, and it’s long enough to tide you over during the holidays (when we co-review, we tend to get a bit chatty and informal and, well, just downright garrulous); I know you’re waiting with bated breath. Hee hee. Happy Holidays to all, especially the kidlitosphere community. — Jules
aw, shucks. thanks, eisha. i hope people see your entry, even though everyone’s all a-twitter and busy with the holidays, because that poem is oh-so lovely.
travel safely.
Happy holidays to you both. And Eisha, that poem is just lovely. (Now I’m looking at Jules comment and she said “lovely” too, so it is unanimously lovely.)