7-Imp’s 7 Kicks #458: Featuring Simona Mulazzani

Good morning, all. I’d initially planned on another post for today, but it will have to wait, since I wasn’t able to secure all the art for it in time.
Instead, I’ve got a review over at BookPage of Alessandro Gatti’s and Pierdomenico Baccalario’s The Story of Snowflake and Inkdrop, illustrated by Simona Mulazzani and released by Enchanted Lion Books this month. The book was originally published two years ago in Italy.
The review is here, and below is some more art from the book.
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lying beneath Inkdrop. …”
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THE STORY OF SNOWFLAKE AND INKDROP. Copyright © 2013 Editrice Il Castoro Srl-Milan, Italy. Copyright © 2015 by Enchanted Lion Books for English-language translation. Illustrations reproduced by permission of the publisher, Enchanted Lion, New York.
Note for any new readers: 7-Imp’s 7 Kicks is a weekly meeting ground for taking some time to reflect on Seven(ish) Exceptionally Fabulous, Beautiful, Interesting, Hilarious, or Otherwise Positive Noteworthy Things from the past week, whether book-related or not, that happened to you. New kickers are always welcome.
Well, the news this week is sad. Such violence. Such horror. Finding “kicks” seems somehow insignificant, yet extremely important.
1) The panel discussion at D.C.’s Politics & Prose this past weekend went well. And I got to see some old friends and make new ones.
2) I got to tour the First Book offices, while there. They do such good work.
3) We saw Laura Marling live this week in Nashville, and she sang a BUNCH of new songs from her next CD. They were really good. She had a no-cell-phone rule, too, for this show, and it was lovely to see the absence of lit screens in the crowd.
4) And this week we’ll see Shakey Graves again!
5) This Jeff Buckley news is happy news.
6) I really enjoyed this piece on motherhood.
7) We have a very sick cat, but it’s possible that she’s turning a corner and on the mend.
What are YOUR kicks this week?
The art of Simona is beautiful especially the snow one.
I agree, Jules, the horror of the past week is unbelievable.
Jules, I love Shakey Graves. How cool to be seeing them.
My kicks:
1. This place to share positive moments in times such as this past week.
2. Watching a flicker feed at the suet block.
3. Attending the book launch of my critique member’s book baby, Caskets from Costco. Such a terrific book.
4. Sending off Veteran’s Day poems to veterans.
5. I might actually get No Ordinary Time finished for book club next Sunday. Six hundred pages about the Roosevelts.
6. Turning off the television at 9 PM to read nightly.
7. The Ducks won against Stanford, a much needed win.
Have a great week.
Good morning, Imps! Hope you are all safe and dry and warm.
The title alone is cool: THE STORY OF SNOWFLAKE AND INKDROP.
Jules: Sending lots and lots of healthy thoughts to your amazing cat. Hugs to the humans in the household as well. You must have been thrilled to hear and see Laura Marling live! I hope you enjoy the Shakey Graves show as well.
Jone: That, too, is an interesting title – Good luck to your book club friend. Enjoy the books and the discussions.
My kicks for the past week:
1) Stability
2) Performing
3) Timing
4) Scheduling
5) Rehearsing
6) Writing
7) Daring
Lovely snow!
Jules – sending healing wishes to your cat! Glad Laura Marling was so wonderful & happy you get to see Shakey again! Jeff Buckley – love him – he is part of the soundtrack to my LA days.
Jone – thank you for sending Veterans Day poems to Veterans. And I agree completely with Kick #1 – having a place to share the positive is so important. Turning off the TV to read is a wonderful thing.
LW – Love Kicks #1 & #7 – while they seem so opposite, I think you need to have the Stability to get to be Daring, and in my mind I envision as a whirling dervish of both.
My kicks this week:
1) Getting to visit small rural towns in Oregon this week – so beautiful.
2) Daisy & I had pumpkin pancakes for breakfast.
3) Cold rainy weather is perfect for having a fire in the fireplace.
4) Going to Powell’s to shop for the perfect birthday presents for a couple of friends.
5) When questioning whether to give books rather than wine, the friend helping me shop told me, “You are the only person I know who gives books as presents anymore – I always love getting books from you.”
6) A friend’s fun 40th birthday party, at where else? A brew pub! And he loved the book I’d gotten him! Yay!
7) A misunderstanding with friends that we all figured out and fixed within 24 hours – it is so nice to have good, kind, caring friends.
7.5) Cold weather makes Daisy more snuggly. Love the snuggle-pup.
Sending wishes for all you Imps to have a safe, warm, love-filled week amidst all the sadness in the world. Thank you Jules for a light-filled hopeful place to land. Keep spreading the joy y’all!
Ack! LW – that was supposed to be that I envision YOU as both!
I like your sixth kick, Jone. I need to be better about that.
LW: You’re one of the daring’est people I know.
Rachel: Books and wine are both pretty great, but yes, it’s great that you give books. A fire in the fireplace would be lovely. Maybe one day I’ll have a house with one.
Have a good week, all!
Fly by for me today. Keeping my internet time to a minimum until I get my next promo card done. Have a great week all. Keep on kickin’
It’s always good to limit computer time, Moira. Thanks for swinging by anyway and thinking of us in the first place.
I really enjoyed The Story of Snowflake and Inkdrop, Jules. Sorry to read about your cat being sick but hopeful wellness is on the way. I do understand.
I rarely watch TV Jone so I know the thrill of carving out time for reading. Although the Hallmark Channel Christmas movies are my downfall.
I hope your performing went well Little Willow. I adore your one word kicks.
Happy snuggling with Daisy Rachel.
Waving to you Moira.
My kicks:
1. I am having a ton of fun (still) doing a Mock Caldecott unit with fourth grade students.
2. Cheerful tweets from authors, illustrators, friends
3. Home improvements; paint and lighting
4. Mountain views
5-7 Xena is still with me.
Enjoy your week everyone.
Rachel: Thank you. Hi Daisy! Yay for books.
Margie: Hi Xena!
Hi Moira!
Jules: Thank you for that.
I’m late – Oh I hope your cat is very quickly better Julie, and thank you for the introduction to The Story of Snowflake and Inkdrop – it’s beautiful – I ordered one. I love to give books for presents like Rachel – and it is one!
1) reading kicks on this day, two days after a black Friday
2)being reminded of friends and love, wine and books – cats
3) a sunny day after a huge storm
4) the huge storm bringing much needed snowpack to the mountains
5) putting the garden to bed just before the storm
6) drawing
7) making soup full of pumpkin
Thanks Julie (that seems formal now I see everyone says Jules – which has always seemed a very cool name) for this place.
and I like that one word #7 kick above: daring!
Katy: I answer to either, but call me Jules! It’s what my friends call me.
Little Willow gave us “daring” (as she does every week), and she’s the Zen master of one-word kicks.
Snow. Wow. In Tennessee, we don’t often see it, but maybe this year. Stay warm! Drawing and pumpkin soup sound warm and wonderful to me.
Thank you Jules. Our time together is coming to a close.