Shaking Up Storytimes . . .

“We create art and share art, because it helps us express visions of ourselves, our values, our history, or hopes. I resist any notion that this communication must be a one-way street, given from adults on high to children below; as children encounter picture books and their stories and art, I want to empower them to critically engage with the ideas, ideologies, and representations that text and art communicate and to delight in how sharing books and talking about them can foster their own thinking and creativity.”
Over at Kirkus today, I talk to Megan Down Lambert, pictured here, about her new book, Reading Picture Books with Children: How to Shake Up Storytime and Get Kids Talking About What They See (Charlesbridge, 2015). If you love picture books, you will be interested in this.
That link is here today.
Photo of Megan used by her permission and taken by Sean P. Lambert St. Marie.
Thanks for sharing the link. Megan’s book sounds excellent. Love her attitude to picture books as something to be shared both ways.