What I’m Doing at Kirkus This Week,
Plus What I Did Last Week, Featuring Karen Klassen

Today over at Kirkus, I write about the new poetry collection from Julie Fogliano, illustrated by Julie Morstad. That is here.
Last week, I wrote here about a new series of books (Owlkids) from author Sara O’Leary and illustrated by Karen Klassen. You Are One will be on shelves this month; You are Two comes in the Fall; and You Are Three will publish next year. Today, I’ve got some of Klassen’s art from the first two books.
I’ll close with Klassen’s lovely self-portrait and a portrait of O’Leary she did.

(Click to enlarge spread)

You sometimes talk in sentences, but not always in words.”
(Click to enlarge spread)

But what will never, ever change is our love for you.”
(Click to enlarge spread)

(publishing in the Fall):

But now you have your own ideas about what looks best.”
(Click to enlarge spread)

You can use your own spoon. To eat with and to call for more.”
(Click to enlarge spread)

(publishing in 2017):

(O’Leary and Klassen):

All images are used by permission of Owlkids Books.
What beautiful little books!