What I’m Doing at Kirkus This Week,
Plus What I Did Last Week, Featuring Julie Morstad

and eat plums and peanut butter sandwiches …”
This morning over at Kirkus, I’ve got a small picture book round-up. That is here.
Last week, I wrote here about Julie Fogliano’s first poetry collection, When Green Becomes Tomatoes: Poems for All Seasons (Neal Porter/Roaring Brook, March 2016), illustrated by Julie Morstad. Today, I’m following up with some paintings from the book, which Julie M. sent. They are sans text.
one bird singing …”
(Click to enlarge spread)

and you will find me
(Click to enlarge spread)

with outstretched arms, palms up and pushing forward,
treasure to the shore …”
(Click to enlarge spread)

out of the middle of this morning …”
(Click to enlarge spread)

on this side of winter …”
(Click to enlarge spread)

or the way the wind moves through them …”
(Click to enlarge spread)

is cold and alone
in a forest
slightly bored …”
(Click to enlarge spread)

(Click to enlarge spread)

(Click to enlarge spread)

WHEN GREEN BECOMES TOMATOES: POEMS FOR ALL SEASONS. Copyright © 2016 by Julie Fogliano. Illustrations copyright © 2016 by Julie Morstad. Published by Neal Porter Books/Roaring Brook Press. Illustrations here used by permission of Julie Morstad.
These are terrific, Jules. We are big fans of her work here at our house. Nice to see these spreads without text.
Every single painting is STUNNING. I want them all on my walls. Big fan of that Julie Morstad. Thanks for this post, Jules!
Just read and LOVED this–gorgeous, playful, zen!