A Primer in Perception

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Because I’ve got a review over at BookPage of Brendan Wenzel’s They All Saw a Cat (Chronicle, August 2016), I’m sharing some spreads from it today. Here is the review if you want to read more about the book.
Enjoy the art!
with it whiskers, ears, and paws …”
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THEY ALL SAW A CAT. Copyright © 2016 by Brendan Wenzel. Illustrations reproduced by permission of the publisher, Chronicle Books, San Francisco.
When I got Chronicle’s catalog and saw this, I thought it would be worth having even for much older readers – just as a fun addition to a biology class, to talk about how everyone sees… even to a social studies class, to talk about perception culturally and in groups. Such a FAB idea.
YES. Would work in many settings for many ages on many levels of understanding. Cat for the win.
HUGE fan of Brendan Wenzel’s art. I just love it!