The 10th Carnival of Children’s Literature
and a Bit of Shameless Bragging

h1 January 20th, 2007 by jules

The 10th Carnival of Children’s Literature is up over at Big A little a. Many thanks to Kelly for hosting. She even categorized the posts, and there is a lot to see. Time to re-visit your favorite blogs and discover some new ones while you’re at it.

snowsnake.JPGKelly has posted at the Carnival a lovely photo from of a chilly, winter landscape. As I began typing this, I wondered if I had any interesting winter photos of my own to tack onto this post. And I remembered one, though whether or not it passes as interesting will depend on the reader . . . My husband makes it an annual tradition — when we actually get winter weather, that is — to trek through the snow (at least once around the house) without any shoes or socks. Freak. He enjoys cold weather, whereas I have no blood or something and get chilly in 80 degree temps (freak) and watch in horror through the window when he makes these frosty exploits. He snapped a photo one year of his tattooed foot in the snow. Click to see a larger version if you’re into shivering and all. Freak.

Also, excuse our momentary boasting, but we’re just excited: We are a bit slow in getting to this, but we just discovered that we were named on the School Library Journal blog as a Blog to Bookmark in 2007. Here’s the link. (People will be watching in ’07? I better stop saying dude so much). Wow. We’re honored. Even though I’m almost two weeks late in seeing this, I do visit their blog and am excited they’ve noticed us. Since I managed to fail even leaving a comment over there (dude, I blame low coffee consumption thus far today; it’s making me unable to work with any technology this afternoon), we’d like to thank SLJ.

Don’t forget the first installment in our interview series just below this post if you haven’t seen it already. Don’t you just wanna hang out with Liz?

We hope everyone who is currently ala’ing is having fun in Seattle.

4 comments to “The 10th Carnival of Children’s Literature
and a Bit of Shameless Bragging”

  1. Dudes, congratulations!

  2. Congratulations on the SLJ link, Eisha and Jules . . . and Blaine who gives the magic a stage.

    As for “Dude,” my eleven-year-old daughter (Molly) has begun reacting cantankerously to her male friends when they refer to her by the term in question. Seems she prefers “Dudette.” I’m thinking Gloria Steinem would cheer her on for taking control of the language.

    Again, CONGRATS!!


  3. Shannon, that’s a great story. And oh my goodness thank you for the Naomi Shihab Nye flyer thingie. Just a little flyer about her is inspiring and has made me want to go this week and get every book she’s ever, ever written or had anything to do with. Every time I think I’m up on my Naomi books, I am reminded that there are others I haven’t read. “Books are dripping springs, nourishing and fortifying our souls. And our sleep. And every hour of the day. It is a very lucky thing to be alive,” she writes. Ah. A little bit of Nye every day does a person well (and I don’t mean the Science Guy, though if you like science, I suppose he’s your man).

  4. Congratulations on being recognized by SLJ. I always enjoy reading your posts–love the humor!

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