What I’m Doing at Kirkus This Week,
Plus What I Did Last Week, Featuring Mike Curato

h1 September 1st, 2017 by jules

“Some of the island’s old cars purr like kittens,
but ours is so tired that she just chatters like a busy chicken ….”


Today over at Kirkus, I’ve got wildness on the mind. That is here.

* * *

Last week, I talked here with Margarita Engle and Mike Curato about their new picture book, All the Way to Havana (Henry Holt, August 2017). I’m following up here today with some art from the book.

Zoom zoom. Enjoy the art.


“We have a gift, and we have a cake, and today we’re going to drive all the way to
the big city to see my new baby cousin on his zero-year birthday!”

(Click to enlarge spread)


“Papá opens the trunk and lets me hand him the heavy toolbox. …”
(Click to enlarge and see spread in its entirety)


“… No luck, but we keep trying and trying,
even though all the silly noises are still a mystery unsolved.”

(Click to enlarge spread)


“So we purr …”
(Click to enlarge spread)


(Click to enlarge cover)


* * * * * * *

ALL THE WAY TO HAVANA. Copyright © 2017 by Margarita Engle. Illustrations copyright © 2017 by Mike Curato. Illustrations reproduced by permission of the publisher, Henry Holt and Company, New York.

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