“Barney was supersmart, with a thick swish of black hair that stuck straight up and out like the brim of a baseball cap. April thought Barney was a dapper dresser, which is not an easy thing to be when you wear a khaki Lumberjanes uniform every day. Barney was one of the only scouts who wore their uniform every day, because they liked the crispness of the uniform shirt, and the buttons and the kerchief.”
Here’s a bit of art from
Brooklyn Allen to follow up
my Kirkus Q&A last week with
Mariko Tamaki about
Lumerjanes: Unicorn Power! (Amulet, October 2017).

“April raised the carving above her head and leaned it against the wall. …”
“April, who was the strongest climber,
volunteered to be the one to free-climb up the sheer face first. …”
“Then, all at once, the unicorns shifted,
like a wind picking up and blowing across the fields. …”
* * * * * * *
THE LUMBERJANES: UNICORN POWER! Text and illustrations copyright © 2017 BOOM! Studios. Illustrations used by permission of the publisher, Amulet Books, an imprint of Abrams, New York.