Vera Brosgol’s Be Prepared

Last week, I chatted here over at Kirkus with author-illustrator and graphic novelist Vera Brosgol about her new graphic novel, Be Prepared (First Second, April 2018).
Today, I’m following up with some art from the book, plus some preliminary artwork Vera sent along. (Pictured above is a sketch from Vera’s pitch for the book.)

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BE PREPARED. Copyright © 2018 by Vera Brosgol. Illustrations reproduced by permission of the publisher, First Second, New York. Preliminary images reproduced by permission of Vera Brosgol.
I am DYING to read this book – I was the WORST camper, so when I saw the illustrations, I cracked up, because they were SO perfect. The huge eyes… the avoiding-others-in-the-latrine situation… plus spiders and mosquitoes! Good times. Not.
Where are the BTS process pix from? I love seeing process for things I can learn to improve mine.