7-Imp’s 7 Kicks #645: Featuring Raúl the Third

In case you missed it earlier this year, by chance, I’m spotlighting the engaging ¡Vamos! Let’s Go to the Market from Mexican American artist and illustrator Raúl The Third. This was released in April from Kwame Alexander’s new imprint, Versify.
This is the story of the wolf Little Lobo and his dog Bernabé. They eat breakfast, and then they head out to deliver supplies to people at the Mercado, the marketplace near where they live. On their way, we see their neighbors and take in all the many details of Little Lobo’s Mexican community. These are bustling spreads, but Raúl knows how to compose a spread well; in part, his palette choices make it easy for our eyes to follow the action, see all the details, and read the Spanish labels, marked in a red font, for what we see. As the Kirkus review notes, Little Lobo’s journey serves as “a crash course in Mexican culture.” In the end, Little Lobo even gets a big surprise, the chance to meet his hero, but I won’t spoil it for you.
Don’t miss this short Horn Book Q&A with Raúl the Third (aka Raúl González).
I may only have two spreads below, but there’s a lot to take in with your eyes in each one. Enjoy!
(Click spread to enlarge)

(Click spread to enlarge)

¡VAMOS! LET’S GO TO THE MARKET. Copyright © 2019 by Raúl Gonzalez. Illustrations reproduced by permission of the publisher, Versify, an imprint of Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, Boston.
Note for any new readers: 7-Imp’s 7 Kicks is a weekly meeting ground for taking some time to reflect on Seven(ish) Exceptionally Fabulous, Beautiful, Interesting, Hilarious, or Otherwise Positive Noteworthy Things from the past week, whether book-related or not, that happened to you. New kickers are always welcome.
1) A break.
2) Volunteering.
3) Reading.
4) Listening.
5) Singing.
6) Biking.
7) KITTIES on Friday.
What are YOUR kicks this week?
I think Vamos is going to capture many hearts. I enjoyed the detailed artwork.
Jules, Kitty cafe, drool…how fun. I’ve added your book to my TBR list.
My kicks:
1. The 4th in Astoria, OR.
2. Reading: TAKEDOWN by Laura Shovan and CRAZY BRAVE by Joy Harjo.
3. Gardening.
4. Seeing my brother’s new digs (he just moved to the OR coast 3 weeks ago and missed the earthquakes in Ca)
5. Writing.
6. Marionberry jam making.
7. Sunsets.
Have a great week.
Good morning, Imps! Hello, Raúl The Third!
Jules: Kudos for volunteering. Yay for cats! Hug them for me!
Jone: Hope he had a smooth move. Yay for writing, and sunsets.
My kicks from the past week:
1) Details
2) Offer
3) Time
4) Space
5) Clear
6) Emerge
7) Grounded
Really love all that there is to take in when looking at these spreads.
Jules – Hooray for breaks & kitties!
Jone – The 4th in Astoria, sunsets and marionberry jam-making sounds wonderful.
LW – Love all your kicks this week, especially the flow from 1 – 7.
My kicks this week are rolled into one: US Womens National Soccer Team World Cup Champions!!!!
They are so awesome and so inspiring – just love them – and it was a great game too – the Dutch played really hard and really well.
Bonus kick – sweet Daisy had another great post-op vet visit and is now cleared for going on walks again. Really happy with her great veterinarian and her great rehab team too – they’ve done a great job for my sweet senior velvet hippo.
Have a great week Imps!
YAY DAISY!!! Thanks, Rachel. 🙂
Here I am!
Jone, I was so happy to hear the news about Joy Harjo being the new laureate, who is a former University of Tennessee professor, too!
Little Willow, that is, indeed (as Rachel said), a good kicks flow there.
Rachel, that is excellent news about Daisy AND our World Cup champs.
Have a good week, you all!