What I’m Doing at Kirkus This Week,
Plus What I Did Last Week, Featuring Matt Myers

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Over at Kirkus today, I have a tribute to those kicking off the school year in classrooms and libraries with lots and lots of books.
That is here.
Last week, I wrote here about Matt Myers’s Hum and Swish (Neal Porter Books/Holiday House, June 2019). I’m following up today with some of Matt’s preliminary artwork for the book, as well as some final art. I thank him for sharing.
Jamie hums. The waves swish.”
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‘I don’t know yet.'”
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The woman swishes her paintbrush in a jar.”
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Here is a process video Matt created, which includes more art from the book:
HUM AND SWISH. Text and illustrations copyright © 2019 by Matt Myers. Published by Neal Porter Books / Holiday House, New York. All images reproduced by permission of Matt Myers.
Gorgeous art! I loved seeing how ideas for the panels were formed through the sketches and initial artwork. Thanks for sharing this:)